we had an unexpected - but most welcome - visitor last week ...
the visitor? a pharmacy student, in her third year of study ... our local pharmacist called us to see if leo wanted to chat about his meds with her ... and in return, she would see if she could help us with some of the problems that meds can create ...
leo said "sure!" ...
our local pharmacist (she's had that job for the last 16 years) came over as well and we had a most productive time ...
then a few days later ... the ladies came back with helpful hints ...
we were so grateful for this blessing that came out of the blue! we have already started implementing some of her suggestions ... then in july (Lord willing!) we can talk to leo's doc about some possible med changes ...
you know those mystery fevers that leo gets? well one of the side affects of some of his meds - is a fever!!!
also, leo gets these varying temperature changes ... an example: in the shower the water might feel cold on his chest, burning on his back and lukewarm on his head?????!!!!! ... the student did some research on arachnoiditus (since it was a new term for her) and discovered that those are common issues of the disease - extreme temperature changes over parts of the body ... we just thought it was leo's "faulty wiring" !
our saying has always been - "you never know what a day holds" ... lately we've added "and remember to look for the hidden blessing within" ...
"... despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us." Romans 8:37