Monday, December 07, 2015

thank you Jesus ...

these are my poinsettias ... i've been enjoying them for 2 weeks now ... they remind me of Christ's sacrifice ... His blood shed for us ... yes, ESPECIALLY at this time of year - His atonement for my sins comes through all the tinsel, goodies and hype of the commercialism of what we  now call Christmas ... Jeremiah wrote "The Lord our righteousness" ... and immediately my own thoughts added:  has come ... 

thank  you Jesus for that GIFT of grace ... thank you that it is a universal gift ... thank you that YOU still speak to hearts, even though we wade neck deep in commercialism and unrealistic nostalgia ...

thank You for John 3:16 ...


Jada's Gigi said...

Amen, sister! Has Come!

Trish said...

Beautiful! I just bought a Poinsettia, yesterday. I will look at it with eyes of grace, this morning! Love you, sister.

Mrs. Mac said...

I will remember this when I get a poinsettia. Beautiful!

Maggie Ann said...

What beautiful truths about our LORD. Please enjoy the Poinsettias for me too. They are no-nos for cats so I'm not getting one. Loved your comment to me on the blog....thank you Saija! You always bring a smile to my face. We are studying Romans 12 Sunday nights and I am gleaning truths from it. ~~R and I are exhausted...scraping wallpaper and getting the walls ready to paint.

Right now it seems like we'll never get the house put back together in time for Christmas. are replacing our washer and dryer this week. That poor man of mine! I simply should be more supportive...I do try...giggle.