Friday, September 09, 2016

pray often, pray hard, pray for everything ...

from my morning devotions ... "Wonder of the Cross" by Chris Tiegreen ... if i can encourage anyone who stops by  here to PRAY ... always ... in all things ... that changes the course of history ... it changes the course of our own lives and hearts too ... Pray without ceasing ... 

1 comment:

Maggie Ann said...

and what a mighty and loving
Father we can pray too! My health problems have driven me to the mercy seat oft of late. A rainy evening here. I'm sure its a cause for much stress to the 150 or so folks who's homes were flood damaged last week. Some washed right off their foundations! .....the community news is from all over the place. Our home wasn't in that area, thankfully. It was a bad scene.

R's Aunt took us out to dinner to celebrate his Birthday. I really look for 'Golden Corral' to close, the food is that bad mostly. the Aunts love to go there...still. Sweet...I think?