Saturday, July 27, 2024

My husband's posters

My blog has become more of a poster type blog ... especially compared to the years when i first started it (almost 20 now!) ... when i shared our life and walk with chronic pain (Leo's) ... things are ever changing and evolving, aren't they!  But I am grateful that i have kept in touch with many of the kind sweet folks i met through this blog  ... even if it is the very occasional note from some ... 

Jesus continues as #1 in our life and our marriage ... Leo still battles chronic pain daily ... yet despite other challenges we have faced over the past years (like Leo's cancer 2 years ago) - God has met our needs and exceeded our expectations ... He is a good good Father .. 

Leo has been making posters the past while ... he puts them on instagram ... i thought you might like to see some of them ... and i hope they uplift your spirits ... 


Mari said...

Hi Saija! Thanks for the report on life for you.
I Love Leo's posters!

Saija said...

(hugs) ... Leo usually gets a boomerang blessing out of doing them ...

Anonymous said...

😀😉love it jel

Sandi said...


Anonymous said...

I truly am blessed not only by your posters, but now also Leo's. What a wonderful witness you both are to your Christian faith.
On this day as you share Leo's posters, I want to wish you both a Happy Anniversary on this milestone wedding anniversary. May the Lord continue to bless you both, even as you deal with all the challenges of Leo's chronic pain.
