here's the cover picture from today's winnipeg free press ... it made me smile ... then chuckle! so i had to share it ...
prince edward is visiting winnipeg and someone was able to capture this precious moment!
it is obvious to see that this little lady took the verse: "In truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons ... " quite seriously ... royalty or not, she didn't know this dude and he was in her space - she was not impressed!
I love it! It makes me smile too.
Dear saija,
She was certainly not amused either.
From Felisol
lol, Saija, very cute ~
you just know that little girl's mom is gonna save that picture for the scrapbook to show what an attitude she had. it'll live on in her history for a long while i bet! :)
She is a princess herself
Ha Ha you gotta love it!!
She didn't seem to care who he was...
He was not to her liking...
Great picture someone captured!!
Someday my Prince will come....he came and she didn't care!
What a great picture, it really made me smile!
flowers always make me smile. My hubby tries to keep me out of a flower nursery..he knows I will just want to bring something else home and try to plant it. smile!! This little girl just goes to show that she had no idea who this was. She was just annoyed and showed it. That is one reason that little kids are so much fun. They usually tell you LIKE it IS!! Sandy
Her mom is probably whispering as she takes the picture....SMILE!!!
I guess I should listen to the news once in aawhile...I didn't know we had a prince in town! LOL
What a great picture! I loved what Amrita said, "She is a princess herself."
Adorable. Glad you shared that!!!
Blurb for little girl.."He doesn't look like the Prince from my book..uh-uh.."
Blurb from said little girl many years later..."I was so close to a prince?! what was wrong with me?!"
Blurb from old woman..."The Prince of Peace resides in my heart...so..who are you again?"
What a precious picture though!
What a priceless picture. When she's older, she will have a good laugh!
Thanks for recommending this author to me. I have seen his name on the shelves at the Christian book store. i will need to look into it. I have so many many books to read!! Man, just like scrapbooking. it would take me the rest of my life!! Try this book that I just read..The Third Millenium...it is just great..After you read it let me know..Sandy
how true! and it takes a kid to realise that you are after all, just another human being!!!
so, howyu been doing? long time....
That is so cute, Kids do and say what they feel.
over from Songs From My Journey...
obviously her heart was not for this PRINCE...maybe some years down the road her PRINCE will show up!
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