this morning, scooter jumped on the kitchen counter, knocking a plate to the floor - breaking it ...
sigh ...
what did we get into? again!
I have noticed that what cats most appreciate in a human being is not the ability to produce food which they take for granted--but his or her entertainment value. - Geoffrey Household
That Scooter is such a cutie. He is really growing I see. Our cat doesn't play with anything we buy either, she turns up her nose and walks away. One thing she like is twistie ties. If we curl them into a spiral and throw them she gets all excited and runs after them. We don't leave them out though, because I worry about her hurting herself on the wire inside.
Thanks for sharing a look at Scooter!
They're so much fun!!!
Cute pictures, Saija ~
I worry that the stray cat I have befriended might jump on my counters, breaking something, or my fine new piano!
Yeap great quote. I still say that Scooter reminds me of our lost Sammy!! I still miss that cat!! I am cleaning slowly this morning. I take a break and sit down here for a while then get up an go again. My back will yell at me..AND YES...my house is dirty. You see it is really too large for us and it takes a lot of cleaning. I had the grands this past weekend so now I do need to clean..They were great kids though..Sandy
Have a good day at work1!
That cutie Scooter keeps you hopping doesn't he!!!
what a neat little live wire to have around to keep you entertained...
just use paper plates on the counter and he can't break anything!!LOL
scooter is a cutie!!!!
Our Colby loves bags and also likes to get under blankets and anything else she can find.
Dear Saija,
Alas, when you teach him to play the game, he will continue doing so.
I see him lying safely o Leo's lap; little does he understand that the world is nothing, but love and play.
From Felisol
Oooh he is such a cute boy. Another Garfield.
Well, you know - plates don't cuddle so who cares if one of them gets broken?
Our Moriz found a new favourite toy: A bright red spot of light! He chases it like crazy :D
What a cutie he is, and I see loves to make mischief as well, but don't they all... Very fun
He is so photogenic! I love the pictures you take of him. :)
Never a dull moment I imagine !!!
Thanks for your e-mail
I like how you put this post under 'family' scooter is a wild child, eh. Enjoy his playfulness ... just as long as you know when to say quits. How precious he is.
You have had some actual words in the 'word verification' section today. First I had the word "chimp" and now "pliers" ... how funny ;)
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