Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved. (Joel 2:32)
So why don't I call on His name? Why do I run to this person or that person, when God is so near and will hear my faintest call? Why do I set down to plot my own course and make my own plans? Why don't I immediately place myself and my burden on the Lord?
Straight ahead is the best way to run, so why don't I run directly to the living God? Instead, I look in vain for deliverance everywhere else, but with God I will find it. With Him I have His royal promise: "[I] will be saved." And with Him I never need to ask if I may call on Him or not, for the word "everyone" is all encompassing. It includes me and means anybody and everybody who calls upon His name. Therefore I will trust in this verse and will immediately call on the glorious Lord who has made such a great promise.
My situation is urgent, and I cannot see how I will ever be delivered. Yet this is not my concern, for He who made the promise will find a way to keep it. My part is simply to obey His commands, not to direct His ways. I am His servant, not His advisor. I call upon Him and He will deliver me.
~Charles H. Spurgeon
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this was my morning reading ... how true ... how encouraging ... we NEED only God ... He will be our ever present help ... in all things ...
i just spoke to maria ... she has been at home 2 nights now ... and she is feeling so blessed ... so glad to be in her own bed ... and she feels "well" ... she will be getting homecare every day ... and she will be going to dialysis 3 times a week ... there are hurdles to her everyday living ... but what a far far way she has come!!! from a sure death - many a time ... to being at home once again ... our God is amazing ... truly amazing ... answering prayers that i, with my weak faith, was too afraid to pray! truly amazing ...
thank you for your prayers ... may your day be filled with the sweetness of Jesus ....

a happy moment in time