this is a picture of leo and me at the beach!!!! you guys just wouldn't believe how cold this spring has been ... i think we are behind the times regarding global warming - it hasn't reached the sticks of canada yet!!! i mean, the bible says to give thanks in everything - and we do ... but this wacky cold weather is just nuts!
That is so funny! Sorry it's cold there - it has to warm up soon!
In total agreement with you, sister...this wind was wicked cold today...the hope of summer looms much too slowly...
Dear Saija,
We don't feel much of the global warming either.
The winters have become shorter though, with less snow.
Since we are living so close to Arctic we read a lot about ice melting down, influencing the weather all over the globe, causing rain, storms, draught and frost in various places on the earth.
I'll pray for sun and summer for ye Mantitoban..Sure you need some sun in your eyes.
Also praying for Maria...
From Felisol
We had a long, rainy Spring but summer has arrived with a vengence!! and that burning hot sun and humidity. I told Mickey yesterday, this is why I do not like Oklahoma in the summer!!! One reason we traveled up north for 4 summers!!!
Oh, dear Saija, I'm so sorry about your weather. You mean you have practically missed Spring?! Bless your hearts. Surely it will warm up soon!
Oh send me some cold weather
The cartoon was funny, thanks for your sense of humor in the midst of the cold.
It will be officially summer in a few weeks, I hope you get enough summer before it turns to autumn again!
Funny pic. It has been cool and cloudy here in Co. too. It makes me depressed. Hope you warm up soon.
Loved the cartoon! Cold here, too... had to use the heater today. Oh well, personally I'd rather have a cold spring as opposed to a hot one. There's so much work to do here on our little farm and the cool weather has enabled me to do much more than I would have otherwise. But I hope things will warm up a bit more for you and Leo because there's cool and then there's cold! :) Blessings, Debra
glad to see the 2 of ya, getting some air :)
Aren't cartoons great! They take life and exaggerate it just enough to give us a laugh, just what helps the most. I was telling hubby that I haven't washed the windows in a long time...and keep thinking I'll get to it soon and I'm not going to tell how many weeks have gone by. Its a shame about Susan Boyle being in the hospital. I cannot begin to imagine the strain on her nerves, singing in the competition and being a way from home and having no private life whatsoever now. One of the things I read said that one of the nights she sang, there was only 15 minutes before she was to go onstage and her dress hadn't arrived. And she acted out. I too hope she comes to have a saving knowledge of Jesus and gets saved. along with most people...I'm her fan. What a gift God has given her....with her singing. I hope she makes a CD...*hugs* =)
love that cartoon!
When I went to the Dr. this morning, the nurse said she had to put a jacket on her son before he left for school! She asked the same question I did...where's the global warming!
Oh, my giosh. I just sat here and laughed and laughed. Nelson though I'd lost it. I don't know what's funnier the words or the lost look on the penguin...oh, thank you for sharing that one.
What a cute cartoon.. its been a cooler spring here to.. waiting for warmer weather to come hopefully soon.
Dear Saija,
just saying hello and hoping the weather has improved. We have 10 Celsius degrees at the moment. I will not give up the terrace life, but have equipped the hammock with a eiderdown!
From Felisol
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