random thoughts on chronic pain and life issues ... with the occasional weather report thrown in!
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
bundle up ... the forecast is chilly
i know many of you will be experiencing extreme cold temps ... in places where those temps shouldn't be! ... i just wanted to encourage you ... and myself!!! ... the days ARE getting longer ... and winter won't last forever ...
True. I just wonder what God is saying with this extreme COLD covering so much of the world. Hmmmmm? Is it because the people have grown so cold? Just thinking, which sometimes I do to much!!!! Susan
Oooh, its chilly here! We've had about 12 inches of snow in the last week. Its pretty though! Yes, Every day brings us closer to spring...I like to be cozy indoors, but the only really cozy room is the family room where the woodburner is. Sold! I'll take it...grin.
Dear Saija, I thank God for our cold weather and for our birch logs. We have heard so much about global warming, This winter say otherwise. I cannot remember last we had such a long lasting frost and snow here by the sea. Hope the best for my Manitoban friends. From Felisol
Oh what a pretty snow picture on your header! Its only 16 degrees out tonight...or colder. We are thankful for our woodburner. Hubby has it so hot we could get a suntan..well...sort of...grin.
It seemed to be a long time into "winter" before we got snow. And each day that passed without any, I reminded myself and others, that we were one day closer to spring! Bundle up!
It's not too bad here yet, but it's coming!
Stay warm!
We are cold too for our part of the world.
I read on someone 's blog that they had a forecast of 42 inches of snow....is that really true?....or a typo
True. I just wonder what God is saying with this extreme COLD covering so much of the world. Hmmmmm? Is it because the people have grown so cold? Just thinking, which sometimes I do to much!!!!
I think God is laughing at the global warming alarmist!!
Oooh, its chilly here! We've had about 12 inches of snow in the last week. Its pretty though! Yes, Every day brings us closer to spring...I like to be cozy indoors, but the only really cozy room is the family room where the woodburner is. Sold! I'll take it...grin.
Dear Saija,
I thank God for our cold weather and for our birch logs.
We have heard so much about global warming, This winter say otherwise.
I cannot remember last we had such a long
lasting frost and snow here by the sea.
Hope the best for my Manitoban friends.
From Felisol
I will agree with you about that, dear friend. Waiting for springtime ~
Oh what a pretty snow picture on your header! Its only 16 degrees out tonight...or colder. We are thankful for our woodburner. Hubby has it so hot we could get a suntan..well...sort of...grin.
It seemed to be a long time into "winter" before we got snow. And each day that passed without any, I reminded myself and others, that we were one day closer to spring! Bundle up!
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