i had my dental check-up 2 weeks ago ... no cavities … but there was a problem with an old injury …
as a kid i chipped my front tooth … it happened with a lot of help from a boy, wildly swinging a yo/yo in my direction … those darn boys!
… that of course meant a cap … imagine a silver cap, on the front tooth of a young, developing girl … things like that were not stylish in the 60s! … needless to say i never smiled widely ... i always tried to hide this glaring metal object in the middle of my mouth … i had it for 3 long years …
later the tooth died … so that particular tooth was a grayish colour for years …
a decade ago, i even had surgery on it – which was an annoyance plus discomfort!
… now it is acting up again … so today i saw the specialist ... he poked and prodded ... and now i'm to see yet another specialist ... blah!
this whole lifetime problem with that tooth has been a thorn in my side … it affected my self-image as a gawky adolescent … it even bothered me all through my teen years …
in relation to other problems in my world … this has been minor … yet minor can still be annoying! and it can affect other areas in our lives ... though we may think them of no consequence … before we know it, our whole outlook looks different when magnified through the glass of tiny problems … it can change something as simple as a smile (or lack of one) ... even domino into someone else’s life … “ why is that person not smiling at me?” “ why are they ducking their head down and not looking at me?” “ what did i do?” …
just a reminder to myself … everything is of consequence … yet everything also needs to be kept in the proper perspective ... even the most annoying everyday problems ...
Big hugs dearie...our son has an implant for one of his front teeth. Quite a long ordeal which he tells me today, they do not make you go a year from injury and loss of tooth to the time when they implant. Seems to have worked out ok so far for him....been about 14 years ago now he had it done. You cannot tell really from looking that it is fake. He has to take some extra pains with it, but as in all things, he has adjusted well. His dad hit a golf ball his direction and that is what happened. Some men are lucky to be alive!!
Well when I was a young mother we only had insurance to PULL teeth..well you can imagine what happened to me. So I had this one nice hole on the one side of my mouth for a long time. FINALLY we found the money and I got my teeth fixed...I felt so much better...but I had to wait for years..I understand...
I hope they can fix it and you'll show us your smile. You are beautiful no matter what though.
Take Care
elizabeth ... i think a lot of movie stars have those type of implants ... well the older ones anyway ... they must make for a "dazzling smile" *grin*!!! i think it's always the little things in life that seem to be the most annoying ... really a thorn in the flesh ... it won't kill you, but it sure is aggravating!
flip-flop ... i'm from the same time frame ... and being an immigrant family, things like dental care weren't priority anyway ... i remember my poor brother going to a dental school where they worked on his teeth without anything to numb the drill - owie!
michael ... aww, thank you ... :o)
You do have just the right perspective!~ I'm sorry about your pain and discomfort...and the inconvenience of an old injury coming to the surface again. I hope everything works out--soon!
Arghh... I can identify. I've had various problems with my teeth all my life... had to wear retainers, had a bottom front row tooth grow in behind the others and had it pulled.... lotsa cavities... two or three root canals... had all my wisdom teeth pulled plus another permanent tooth besides the one I mentioned earlier.....Like I said, arghhh.... Just wanted you to know I can identify and for me, too, all of that has been a test to see if I can still keep my joy in the midst of the annoyance and the pain... and keep it all in perspective...(like you said...). I hope you'll be able to have the problem taken care of in as easy a way as possible! Hugs, Debra
That's another thing we have in common, dear Saija. I didn't smile with my mouth open, either, due to my teeth. Mine were healthy but the 2 beside the middle teeth were 'peg teeth' and there was a gap between my front teeth. My parents paid for me to have the pegs capped before I got married, which was really sweet. The caps pushed the front teeth together over the years so now my teeth look fine. And the caps have lasted for over 32 years!
Yes, as you wrote, so often the seemingly minor annoyances can affect your whole outlook on life. I hope that you'll be able to get your tooth fixed soon.
I've had tons of dental work over my lifetime, including root canal and extraction by a surgeon of 3 impacted molars. But those shots under the nose are the worst!
OOOOOO - I don't like the dentist!!! Hope all goes well with your tooth.
Diane ... the swelling has gone down today ... which is super! ... :o) ... i always say that it is good to have some sort of health issue come up for me - that way, i sympathize more with leo and his day to day chronic pain ...
debra ... you sure can identify! at least dentistry isn't the modern day torture it used to be ... and i agree with you re the testing of ones joy & patience ... again and again it makes me appreciate good health and admire those that can be cheerful despite daily chronic problems! (hugs) backatcha!
sabine ... didn't it seem like a whole new world when you could actually have an open smile? that's what i found when my nice white crown was finally in place ... sounds like you have a similar dental history! thanks for sharing! hope you are well!!!
peg ... i know, the dentists don't win any popularity contests do they? though they keep us in good health!
Oh dear, sorry to hear you are having tooth problems. I too can relate. I have one molar that has had 2 root canals already and sometimes still makes me yelp. Another molar under a mountain of some kind of solder? which holds a Maryland bridge in place is now killer sensitive...should I even go on. Etc. I just wish I knew of a dentist I felt confident in and could really trust. I hope your problem is soon solved in the easiest way possible. You don't realize how important teeth are untill something goes wrong....oh, to think of all the trouble you've had because of that boy with the yo-yo. You must have never liked him much after that! I like the way you put things in perspective though...you make the sun come shining through...its an encouragement to me....knowing I have dental 'somethings' ahead too.
maggie ann ... teeth are those things that we take for granted until they give us a problem! i see you have had your share of fun too - and yes, i wish i had a dentist i was super confident in! i did have one of those years back, but we moved from that town ... hope your dental 'somethings' get solved in the easiest and fastest way possible!
I've always been amazed that the smallest thing can be sooooo painful. A sore tooth, a stubbed toe, a skinned knee. How is that, I wonder?
I really understand the tooth annoyance...and the fact that it goes deeper than that because it effects so many other parts of our life...One's self image, etc. I hope they can take care of this in a way that gives you a 'new' lesse on your teeth---it could do wonders for your self esteem, believe me.
LOVE your kitty taking care of that toothbrush! If you wanted him/her to do that....it would never happen! (Lol)
Thanks for the visit and the very nice comment, too! Come on back for the party next week!
jeanette ... i know, i wonder the same! i've gone through car crashes that leave me less stressful than going to the dentist! ? why is that for sure!
ooladyhills ... you have lead such an interesting life, your posts were a good read ... and i shall pop by on your big day! 75 is the new 55, isn't it? :o)
Sorry the tooth is being such a pain. I go to the dentist twice a year, and I hate it. I really do.
fred ... i usually have to go only once a year ... unless something crops up! blah ...
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