the fall sky is ever-changing and awe inspiring ... it seems that God paints a new canvass, a flawless master piece, every time i look up ... this is what late afternoon looked like from our window ... i found it beautiful ...
it comforts me to see the grandness of our world ... to know that He has not left us alone - to untangle our problems ... but is ever there, ever ready to intercede ...
lately, i have just been doing my normal routine - but always keeping an eye to the sky ... as if i wait for something ...
it's difficult to share the anticipation of my heart ... since i don't know what it is all about ... and when i do sit at the keyboard, my mind becomes a blank canvass ... i do apologize for not being a good blogging bud of late ... but that is my reason ... the words aren't flowing ... though my heart IS over-flowing ...
may this weekend bring you clouds to delight in ... anticipation to stir your heart ... joy in the circle of family/friends ... and most important - the "peace that passeth understanding" in your soul ...
Thou hast given so much to me,
Give one thing more, - a grateful heart;
Not thankful when it pleaseth me,
As if Thy blessings had spare days,
But such a heart whose pulse may be Thy praise.
~George Herbert
You expressed your thoughts with beauty and grace, as always, dear Saija. It's been such a long time of waiting and anticipating. Thank you for letting us come alongside you, in good thoughts and prayers, on your journey.
sabine ... the journey is always sweeter, when friends walk alongside ... blessings to you!
You said:
(lately, i have just been doing my normal routine - but always keeping an eye to the sky ... as if i wait for something ...
it's difficult to share the anticipation of my heart ... since i don't know what it is all about ... and when i do sit at the keyboard, my mind becomes a blank canvass ... i do apologize for not being a good blogging bud of late ... but that is my reason ... the words aren't flowing ... though my heart IS over-flowing ...)
I certainly do understand what you are saying. You say these things so much better than I, and I do go through the same kinds of times...
It's the cycle of days, the smaller, more focused part of life. You have to experience (feel) life in order to share what you've learned. Maybe not until later, when it's digested. I think you've had such a maelstrom of busyness, this time to enjoy the moment is good.
Hugs and love to you this day, my friend.
rita ... *smile* i guess i said it for the both of us ... blessings!
jeanette ... thank you dear J ... i am at peace, yet restless ... i am taking it in, yet not letting anything out ... and on top of it all, i can't find my recipe books - they are packed away somewhere!!!! it wasn't supposed to be this long here at the rental ... sigh ... hoping your weekend is a good one!!!
I love that poem...how very true for all of us. We want to pick and choose things so. I'm so guilty of that. And you are too a good blog 'bud'...one of the very best!
As we discussed, my blogging tends to ebb and flow, as well. I always feel a little bit guilty when I find myself unable to come up with any words for my blogging buds, but I am always thinking of them! I know you're the same way.
maggie ann ... aww thanx, i feel the very same about you - you are a very good blog bud - and then some!
catherine ... yes, my blog buds ARE in my thoughts - i wonder about your new job, and how your weekend went - if you were tired? or able to gain those few extra pounds ... hope you have had a restful saturday!
Dear Saija..I am so happy!
One of Betty's friends sent her a Manitoba sunrise and Betty sent it to me.
I am going to post it on my Manitoba Roots Blog.
It has been ages since I have even put anything there but this lovely sunrise will be a start!!
This picture you posted here is so nice.
It looks like the poor bare tree is so cold that it is trying frantically to catch that fluffy cotton cloud as it sails by, to make a warm covering for itself ,but the wind is keeping the soft and comfortable blanket just out of reach!
I hope that you too have a blessed weekend Saija, and an especially nice Lord's Day!
We sure should be a thankful people indeed!! Love Terry
susie ... i hear ya! maybe it's just the desire to hibernate in us! i mean, soon it will be cold here - like a steady -20F cold ... n-i-p-p-y!!!!
terry ... i love the imagery you saw in the tree and clouds ... the poor tree is quite bare now! i've photographed 4 season now, time to move on and photograph a new surrounding!!! i earnestly pray! blessings on you too!
Hey! That describes me lately too--not really doing a lot of blogging, but having an overflowing heart anyway! :) Thanks for sharing the lovely photo! Blessings, Debra
The cloud photo is amazing. Really beautiful and awe-inspiring. Your words were beautifully expressed. You play the piano TOO?!! You are amazing. Waiting on the Lord with you, Becky
"The Bible does not say very much about homes; it says a great deal about the things that make them. It speaks about life and love and joy and peace and rest. If we get a house and put these into it, we shall have secured a home." (Jowett)
debra ... i have missed your posts - but do realize batteries need re-charging! hope you enjoyed the rest! .... AND they are forecasting snow tomorrow, so i mentioned to the Lord about having 4 seasons of pics from this house - i am READY to move on ... :o) ...
antibk ... you made me chuckle, RE the keyboard - i was referring to was the computer one ... but i needed to giggle, thank you for providing it for me! ... hope PF keeps recovering at a speedy rate!
Yeah, hilarious. You see, I play the piano. And so with all the other similarities I see with you, the thought that you also played the piano was just too much. Then add the spiritual dimension--I could just picture you sitting down the the piano to create another beautiful spirit-filled piece, like you do on your blog! I thought that was just too much--you're close enough to perfect already! [BIG smile] Thanks for good wishes for Fred--doing great!
antibck ... well you are really way too kind with your comments! ... i would have loved to have learned to play the piano - :o) ... what a blessing it must be to play those beautiful old hymns ... AND SO GLAD that Fred is doing great ... !!! YAY Lord!
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