i feel at loose ends when the seasons change ... my life seems to shift gears into utter quietness as the winter closes in ... and with the added stress of looking for that elusive home/condo to suit our needs (re leo's health issues) - in an area where real estate doesn't come up often - well i start to question my very existence and usefullness!
just a few minutes ago, as i was preparing to blog on a totally different subject, i came across a post i had written almost 2 years ago ... here is what it said:
Life is a journey.
Old cliche . . . but it becomes more real the older a person gets!
[as i read blogs] this morning ... it seemed like i received an answer to a question that i hadn’t even been asking . . . the old question of "if a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there, does it still make a sound?"
. . . if i live my life for Christ - even though it is a quiet life - trying to be the wife that L needs and helping him along in this chronic pain journey, and if there isn’t much leftover to do the "great things" . . . does my life still matter in God’s house?
If i remain faithful to Him who called me to this journey, and if i believe that i am living out my life doing what was laid before me to do . . . then even if it is only the dust bunnies that witness it . . . i will remain steadfast . . .
which leads to another questions, are there dust bunnies in God’s house too?
and as my blogging friend Knitter Kat so sweetly reminded me the other day, my most important job in this life could very well be - caring for leo and being the best wife i know how ... *smile* ...
tho' this "best wife" still would love to find that "best place" for us to live!!! stubborn old gal, aren't i?
Hi Saija--this is an issue I had to settle within my own heart and once I did, I have never looked back! Sometimes we have to let go of what we have been taught--such as silly things like, we only matter if we are ministering every moment and to lots and lots of people. Since when is God all about numbers? Since when is God a ruthless master? All I am responsible for each day is to do whatever He asks me... whether it is keeping my home nice, sending a note of encouragement, or taking a walk for my health. God does not have us all on work strips.... He simply loves us and has a plan for us according to the way He created us and the life He has given each of us (knowing full well our limitations). Well, I could go on and on.... this is one of my passions, actually, because satan loves nothing better than for us to feel so bad about ourselves that we end up feeling like nothing--when all the time God is saying, "Hey! You are my child and I love you just as you are!" Every little thing and every little person is vitally important to Him--it all matters and we all matter... Stepping off my soap box and hoping you feel encouraged! Blessings, Debra
Debra ... encouraged and humbled ... thank you so much for sharing! felt like a big *hug* ... blessings on ya!
Dear Saija..
You are NOT a tree and you have not fallen but if you did, I for one would hear you and be missing you, if you weren't around.
Reading Debra's comment was just like reading a blog message from you, yourself.
How many times have you encouraged the bunch of us, you will never know...We love you!!
As Debra said, "I could go on and on", but I have a bunch of little kids pounding at my door and if I don't answer them, Oh Boy!, Saija I wonder what trick they would be after pulling on me...Love Terry
Who knows but God how many people you have been a blessing to through blogging. Me...for one! One time when I was feeling particularly worthless to God, I was walking down the basement steps reading bits & pieces of an Amy Carmichael book and my eyes fell on one of her poems...that said in essence, that if we only had one kiss to place on God's feet and were not to give it, he would miss us for he loves us something fierce. Our highest calling is to worship him and love him back...my little thought for the night...blessings to you & a hug!
terry ... *grinning* re the tree thought - you are sweet & kind with your words of encouragement ... blogging has certainly encouraged my heart many a time, especially because i have "met" so many folks who love the Lord and want to be a blessing to others ...
maggie ann ... you know, i feel like i have received so much more than i have given ... i love the quote from amy carmichael that you used ... and i so agree that our highest calling is to worship God and to love Him ... blessings sent your way!
i can so relate to some of these questions. sigh.
i don't think there are dust bunnies in God's house. there are people in this world who love to clean and, after all, we get to do what we love in heaven. :)
mrsd ... isn't it GREAT that we have a God who understands our hearts, knows our weaknesses and loves us enough to die for us? YAY for our Lord!!!
jeanette ... you've got a GREAT point there! *laughing* ...
Leo is a very luck man.
fred ... awww, sweet of you to say that ... hope your busy life with school and our lovely ladies is going along in grand style these days! :o)
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