our fearless feline loves the sunrises here at the condo too ... notices how he dwarfs our 6 inch Christmas tree! ... our silly cat ... he watches people going for morning walks ... or walking to work ... it's a small town and you can get anywhere you want to be, in only a few moments ...
leo is still recouping from the uprooting and upheavel of the last few weeks ... folks that don't feel well at the best of times, well they need space and quiet to gather their strength once again ...
and me? ... i've just been puttering every day ... doing a little of this and a little of that ... trying to still be an attentive wife & friend to leo ... as well as an attentive niece and friend to my aunt who lives near by ...
it's in the little things that we find our peace, joy and place in the world ...
* * * * * * * * * * *
How tragic to move through the seasons
of life without realizing their ultimate
purpose! And what is that? The purpose
is obvious; that we might be saved . . .
that we might not trust in ourselves but
in Jesus Christ, our Creator Lord . . .
and, in doing so, receive from Him the
assurance of abundant life now and
eternal life forever.
~Charles R. Swindoll
Love your cat.Makes me miss mine. Also Chuck Swindoll's quote. He is so good anyway. Rest and enjoy your new home..Sandy
Cute pic,
even thou i'm a dog people!:)
Hehehehe... your kitty's funny. They do love to watch outside, for sure. If I open the slider door, it's like a kitty booty jam to see how many can fit in a 3 inch space.
Give Leo our love and wishes for full rest. :)
Sandy ... i am sort of resting ... well i call it puttering, which is doing the things i want to do in the house ... :o) ... i am so enjoying this "in town" living! my ole car will get a rest! :o)
jel ... i am 50/50 ... my hubby is 100% a cat person ... so when we had dogs, they would follow me around like little bo-beep and her sheep! blessings backatcha ...
susie ... yes, isn't it the most magnificent tree you've ever seen? :o) ... maybe next year we might actually get a tree? haven't had one in 15 years, but there would be a nice spot for it here at the condo! yay!
jeanette ... our fearless feling loves this life ... he gets so tuckered out from watching the morning commuters (does a 2 minute walk qualify as a commute?) that he sleeps the rest of the day! i passed your wishes onto leo, he says he's trying to rest but i still have the whip out ... *laughing* ... that is only partly true!
What a peaceful picture--it should be on every cat lovers Christmas card. We're heading to northern Calif for the holidays and won't be checking in too often--hope your Christmas Day is filled with love.
How long did it take to put up your tree? Was it Leo's job to string the lights?
You're the only couple I know whose cat
towers over their tree.
Must be a Manitoba thing, eh Terry? Do you have a big cat or a small tree, Terry?
I think one of the conditions attached to the sale of Saija's condo was that the Christmas tree could only be a foot tall.
Enough about the tree...
We all enjoyed the housewarming party! Can we come back for a New Years eve get-together.
Call me if you need help taking down your tree! Promise?
The Pilgrim
antibk ... and i hope that your Christmas up North (grinning - since we are "way up north"...) is restful and that you & Fred get your batteries re-charged! blessings ...
David ... *laughing* ... yes, i think there should be a new years eve party so that everyone can help me take the tree down! you know how it goes in the prairies, the trees just don't grow that tall ... ? ... maybe next year we'll double the size of it? maybe!!! blessings!
Hello Saija,
Thanks for visiting my me. I like your place here.
How I would love to have a cat around our place but unfortunately we have this Jack Russel Terrior who would just love to have it for dinner if we did have one.
I hope to see you around somemore.
Take care!
salina ... yes, cats & dogs sometimes don't mix! tho' if the cat came first, it usually teaches the dogs to tolerate & even enjoy their company ... blessings to you!
Aren't pets wonderful though? Just wish they lived as long as we do! We are allergic to cats but when we go around other people's, they seem to migrate to us! HA! But we are grateful to still have one dog left!! She is the bestest dog we ever had!!
So glad you are enjoying settling in and being in town. It must make some parts of life easier, not to have to drive in yucky weather!!
elizabeth ... cats know who to bug - they really have that sort of temperment! :o) ... and yes, it does make some things in life, so much easier - being in town ... and saves on gas too! YAY for that!
Dear Saija, what a beautiful post...blessings to you my friend.
maggie ann ... blessings right backatcha! :o)
That is such a beautiful photo!
catherine ... and it was such a peaceful morning too ... i enjoyed the quiet, the glow, and our fearless felines' pose!
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