tunnel vision
"Where is there a country without sin, crime, lawlessness, bloodshed, disease, death, sorrow and heartache? Heaven is a country in which there is the absence of all that is common to any land, for in God's country there are no barriers, no walls or curtains to divide; no race barrier; no soldiers because there are no wars; no policemen because there is no crime or sin; no undertakers because there are no graves; no physicians because germs, fevers, pestilences, diseases are unknown; no thieves because there is no darkness. Who would not yearn for this better and more desirable country in which there are no separations, no broken homes, no drunkards, no prisons, no hospitals, no beggars, no persons who are blind, deaf, dumb or destitute? What a country! Are you not homesick for Heaven? --H. Lockyer

i think i want to get tunnel vision ... the type that sees only heaven ahead ... a vision that allows me to be fearless during my remaining days on earth ... ready to speak with love about my Saviour, who waits for me ... yup ... the type of vision that doesn't let petty arguments weigh me down ... because i am heaven bound ...that type of tunnel vision would be heaven sent ...
Amazing we can be so homesick for a place we have never been...I am longing to go where I really belong...belonging has not been a very common occurance here for me...and count me in on the homesick crowd too!!
You find such good quotes and just the right ones at the right time.
God bless.
elizabeth ... just like the last book leo and i read was called, "heaven, better by far" - that is our desire, if we age in grace ... i am so thankful for the this life the Lord has given me and the sweetness of His presence - but i yearn to see the hurting of our world come to an end ...
sista cala ... and blessings on you - your blog is looking so good ... it is great how you diligently lift up the Lord in it! ... :o)
I did not mean to infer I am trying to leave this world soon, either, Saija...just that underneath in my heart is a homesickness that truly never leaves...I still enjoy many parts of my life and have no complaints really...but there is so much sadness and grief here and a sense of not belonging very much too...those things that will be changed, will be welcome changes THERE!!
elizabeth ... yes, i knew that was what you meant ... we can be happy here and now, yet - we are still pilgrims ... blessings on your weekend!
"but i yearn to see the hurting of our world come to an end ..."
Amen to that! I don't think I want that tunnel-vision you mentioned, though. I need to see the pain of this world so that I can do whatever I can to help alleviate it while I'm here.
catherine ... i can see where my use of "tunnel vision" would appear callous ... what i meant by it, was to let nothing change the focus of my eventual destination ... however to be used to help others,to make a difference along the way is part of the journey and pilgrimage ... a very necessary and real part ... hope that clarifies? blessings on your sunday ...
Indeed! I knew you weren't being callous, because I know you do everything you can to help others. I didn't like something about the term "tunnel vision," but your definition of "tunnel vision" sounds good to me. :)
catherine ... maybe i should have used single-mindedness? ... :o) ... my internet got cut off on me AGAIN on sunday - so here i am, out of the loop again - i called them this a.m., and they had made another "boo boo" ... my patience builder!
Call it what you will, tunnel vision, single mindedness, it is a beauiful vision. I am nearing the end of my days and it is that vision that keeps going. I have reached the point where I am looking forward to the wonders that await.
bill ... you have such a good spirit around you ... and if we've placed our trust in Jesus, then INDEED - heaven is better by far ... blessings on you as you continue to share your journey with others ...
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