my heart was uplifted this week by hope to answered prayer ...
we have been in limbo regarding a family doctor for leo (the doctor he was seeing, left at the end of November) ... we had hoped that the physician who saw leo at emerge in august - and who diagnosed leo's pneumonia - would become leo's new doc ... since his practise was in our town (instead of 25 minutes away) that would have been GREAT! but he wasn't taking any new patients ...
well, wednesday as i was rummaging around in my purse, my hand came up with the item i wanted and something extra ... stuck inbetween my fingers was an appt. card from leo's last doctor's visit ... i thought maybe i should phone the clinic since it may have been God who put the phone number right in my hand!!! i pray for timing in everything and i pray for wisdom - was this coincidence? or God saying, it is time ...
so i called them to see if there had been a replacement yet for leo's family doctor ... the girl said they were indeed booking appts for patients to see doctors ... she named a few who leo could see - and would you believe one of them was that emergency room physician!!! he has office hours in the clinic on fridays (and in our town, mon-thurs!) ... i immediately asked to be booked in on a friday (in April) for leo's next regularly scheduled time! ... back in november & december, this doctor was only in our town and NOT in the neighbouring one, where leo's chart currently resides ...
what a blessing! a doctor who has already seen leo and who we thought was good ... :o) ... maybe, LORD WILLING, we may be able to move leo's chart back to the clinic in our town ... and save that 25 minutes (one way) of travel for leo ... wouldn't that be an even bigger blessing????
YAY ...
just sharing God's prompting and easing of a care ... it was just the encouragement that we both needed to carry us through to spring ... and thank you so much for your prayer on our behalf! hope is a wonderful thing to receive from the Lord ...
i'm going for lunch with my old work buds today, even tho' the windchill is MINUS42C!!!! they live 25 minutes from our town and are driving here, because they know i don't like to drive on days like this, aren't they good friends? ...
blessings on you!