it has been 25 years since leo's first back surgery ... 25 years since chronic pain became the "third person" in our marriage ... 25 years of having our hope for health dwindle and the dreams of our youth eliminated ...
YET, it has also been 25 years of learning to love each other unconditionally, despite obstacles which attempted to destroy our marriage ... learning to walk by faith - when human understanding failed ... 25 years of great valleys - and even greater mountain top experiences ...
an anniversary ... sort of ...
* * * * * * *
points from a charles stanley sermon, that also mark the cornerstones of our faith:
- God controls our circumstances
- God will meet our needs
- God is with us
- God loves us with an eternal love ...
what are we worried about?
It's not an anniversary that you would choose, but it's great that you are able to see God's hand through those years.
Congrats - sort of :-)
We all can mark anniversaries of some sort
Blessings to U Saija on this path of faith
The Hebrew children often took time to rmember their journey. That's what anniversaries allow us to do. God has blessed you and you in turn have been a blessing. This makes life, even life with difficulties good.
You've said it all well.
Wishing Leo the best and hopes for less pain.
Dear Saija,
It's amazing what a couple can bear and still remain a couple.
You set an example to Christians and Non- believers.
On that I congratulate you.
From Felisol
Well, we don't ever give up hope, because God is our hope. I was glad to read about the even greater mountaintop experiences. Praying for you and Leo ~
In the midst of your pain and suffering you are acknowleding God 's goodness. Praise God for your faith.
Sometimes God calls us to such a life. A few years after i started my career, my handicaps rendered me jobless.In India there is no health insurance or unempoyment benefits etc.Its a hard road, but He has taken care of me.
Sometimes I am fearful of the future, but remind myself saying God will not let me down
Amen to all of the quotes, and one day God will take us home where there will be no more pain, praise the Lord!
God Bless you both...no one but Jesus knows how hard your trials have been and are. Your testimony is still strong and true! Though, it be tried with fire. I just posted a little spinning video of myself..come see when you have time..grin.
I feel so badly for Leo and for you too of course...with having to live with chronic pain. I have found that exercise is the best thing for me!! I still hurt but stretching and exercise does really help. Take care..Sandy
An anniversary of a life changing experience, yes, I'd say that qualifies.
Love to you and Leo as you think back.
thank you for the encouraging comments, dear ones ...
without God, it would have been a bleak time ... but with God there have been many joys we wouldn't have known could exist in a life lived daily in pain ... it hasn't been a sad or pathetic time - but a time of learning and hopefully maturing in faith ... my prayer is that we can help others who struggle - to show that God is able, even though our bodies are weak ...
praising Him today ...
every anniversary counts!!!
and the anniversary of the beginning of your growth in Faith and your total reliance on God is actually an important anniversary...
You are really a blessing to me...
and I wish only the best for you and Leo...
I am also happy for Leo that he now has scooter to make him laugh!!!
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