sigh ... he definitely has "kittenitis" ... a really bad case of it, too! ... but i'll get even with him on tuesday ... it's time for a visit with the nice lady vet & and her big needle!
as we laugh at scooters crazy antics ... or cringe with dismay at his ability to climb our wall hangings ... plus his refusal to understand the word "no" - though he figured out, in only one short lesson, what a clanging spoon on his food dish meant! ... i wonder if we aren't just like this kitten when it comes to understanding some of the lessons our Heavenly Father wants to teach us ... i wonder?
He is just so cute - although naughty! Our cat is now 8 and still naughty...
We are probably more hard headed!! Try getting a spray bottle and putting water in it. Sometimes that works. Annie does not get on the counters (when we are here anyway)!! I would really be correcting her for sure....Scooter really does look like our sweet Sammy that we lost!! I will show you one of Annie on my blog!! She is about 2 now I think. Sweet cat but has her own ways of course...like all cats and all humans for that matter..Hope your Sunday is going great..Sandy
He is so adorable! Kittens (and puppies) can get away with an awful lot, just because they are so darn cute. :)
That little kitty of yours is something else! I don't think I had better try a cat. lol
Scooter is adorable!
He sure looks like he is a tonne of fun...and well on his way to being properly spoiled rotten! :)
Oh my! Biting, spitting and climbing the wall hangings?! As cute as kittens are, they are wild and horrible sometimes, aren't they? Good object lesson, there.
I think we are more like the kitten than we like to admit!!!
Oh dear! He sounds like a handful. Of course, my solution would be to get him a companion! Heh. I know, look at the zoo I have, eh? But, hey, Tug has Snug and he's been happy ever since (until that annoying Slasher moved in, that is). :)
I hope you hang in there with the little guy and he doesn't get to be too much. Are his litter habits at least tolerable?
Dear Saija,
Kittens are so sweet, but when old cats like myself keep on doing things I shouldn't, I guess it takes more than a spray of water to keep me on the narrow path.
Mrs. vet will sure know what to do with Scooter, and the good Lord even better know how to handle me,- with firm love.
From Felisol
he is just sooooo cute..and a tad bit spoiled..eh?
Oh, He Is CUTE!!!!
And a little Devil, too, it appears....LOL!
I'm not sure I could take a kitten like him at this stage of my life....I must say my dear Cat, Sweetie is the perfect cat for me and he was a calm sweet kitten, too! (Thank You Very Much!...lol)
I love all these pictures...He is a delight, isn't he?
Yes ----- kittens and their "stubborn" or should I say "independant" wills , show us as we are with God at times. :-)
Hes cute and looks dangerous in the first photo. Did he take his shot.
Looks likeyou are having fun .
Love your pictures of Scooter. Aren't cats just soooooo special? Glad to be back visiting you. Big hugs and hellos to you and Leo.
Oh, your kitten is so cute! I'm glad he makes you and Leo laugh. As always, thanks for your comments at my blog... Loved it when you said something like, "so you can live to fight another day." I laughed and laughed! Blessings, Debra
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