the whole world is aware of the up coming election in the States ... the headlines and controversies are daily news ... it's all so addictive to watch ... i admit that - really fascinating drama ... plus, since we are neighbours, we pray that whoever is elected president - keeps our borders friendly ...
now i have to ask my american blog buds this question - did you know that we here in canada will also be going to the polls? to elect a new prime minister?
yup ...
tho' our process is quite different and much shorter ...
prime minister harper called an election last sunday (sept 7) ... we go to the polls on october 14th ... of this same year ... that means a little over 5 weeks of politicking ... we'd all be comatose if it lasted much longer!
we already know how we'll vote ... according to the polls, so do 3/4's of the folks contacted ...
just an FYI post for my non-canadian buds! ...
blessings on your weekend!
Thanks for keeping us informed. I didn't know that and I think our news media could do a better job of keeping us informed of news from Canada - like you say, we are neighbors! I like your short version better. Ours seems never ending. I'll be praying for your election too.
I did know that, actually! But only because I have Canadian friends who keep me informed. :) I envy you guys your short campaign seasons!
I didn't know! But I do know that Canada's Thanksgiving is on 10/13 this year... it's on my American calendar. So why isn't your voting day on my American calendar?
Your voting sounds so much easier than ours. I tell you this is one of the worst ones that I have ever had to vote..that is until Sarah came on line!! Now I know what I am doing. Such decisions but we all need to vote..right? I really did not know that our elections were so watched there in Canada...but I guess they would be now that I think about it. Take care.
Hope your choice of candidate gets elected to be your new prime minister! It is very interesting to watch the process, I think so too. I'm looking forward to the debates and so on.
That's very interesting, Saija. Our election has gone on for way too long. It is kind of scary, but it won't be too much longer now. We need to humble ourselves and pray for God to hear our prayers and heal our land.
Dear Saija,
I did not know about the Canadian election either. And I think of myself as fairly informed when it comes to politics both in east and west.
The American election has taken up so much place, it is a if there's only one country counting.
Good of you to set things straight.
I wish you a good election. May the right person win!!
From Felisol
lucky you to have only 5 short weeks of political baloney...
after only a couple of debates you know who you want to vote for anyway..
I don't remember our "process" going on this long before...BUT, maybe I'm just in denial...LOL!
I like that your Voting process doesn't go on and on...But it is also interesting to me that you all already know who you are voting for....Many of us here know that too, but, there are still many people who are "undecided". I wish you would share with us how it is that you all already know who you will vote for....Is it the 'party' more than the candidate?
I absolutely know I am voting for Obama. And I am hoping that the 'undeciddeds' will learn something from the debates that they seem to not know already---IF...Big if-----IF the Polls are cirrect.
Thanks for you visit and your lovely comment, too....! It makes me happy when the things I love that I share with everyone out in the blog world likes them too! There is so much beauty in nature. More beauty there than anywhere else, I feel.
Thanks for the reminder. I reference the Canadian parliamentary system in my U.S. government class just to ensure they know it's not all about us.
No I wasn't aware you were voting, too. Thanks for sharing that with us.
This "election campaign" has been going on for almost 2 years. We are SICK of it.....but it is a very important election and we must stay vigilant.
I had no idea of your pending election ... and I live just below your your southern border ... Frankly, I'm sick of all the mud slinging going on south of you. For all of our sakes, I hope someone on God's side will win. If we could only limit the news coverage to one hour a day ... that would be a good plan.
I'm so exciated that I get to vote in TWO elections this year! I am a dual citizen!
For the record, I am voting for Alan Keeys (independant)on the US side. And the Canadian side is a little confusing, I'll explain. I will vot for the Conservitive Party's candidate in my riding (voting district) which in reality is a vote for Steaven Harper.
Thought I'd get ya'll up to date.
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