white white white
this past weekend was quite interesting ... weatherwise ... we had 100 km winds on saturday ... then sunday, though nice at first - ended up the same swirling snow way ... a huge drift of snow had grown in front of our garage door - i thought i would have to go shovel (since it was mostly JUST in front of our door!) ... but first thing sunday morning, our sweet & helpful 83 year old neighbour was out there snowblowing ... all before i could even finish my first cup of coffee ... he is a real blessing!
i was able to go for a walk the other day ... and as you can see the scenery is bland in colour ... one has to set their mind to SEE beauty - 'cause believe me, after 2 months, all i would really like is a good melt and mud!
but there is always hope ... the days are now longer ... YAY!!!
just sharing my neighbourhood with you guys ... blessings on your day!
I'm ready for a melt too and we are supposed to get a short one this weekend. Your snow picture are pretty though - even without much color!
You're funny, but I'm ready for some melt and mud too!
God bless people like your neighbor who think of others. The world needs more of his kind....and he's 83, wow!!!
What a wonderful, sweet neighbor.
Can I borrow your neighbour? My neighbours have snowblowers too--one occasionally has surprised us by doing our curb..but the others blindly ignore me when I am slipping and sliding and pushing and shoving my shovel against the mountain of snow while they effortlessly blow their piles away...
...actually, we hae some enterprising kids in the neighbourhood..look like 13 or 14 knocking on doors to help shovel..bless their hearts and limbs..problem was they came and asked when I had nothing to offer...so...
and we have a snowfall happening right now...a surprise this morning as we had 2 'warm' days before...
and my son found beauty where I could not locate it...he prayed on our way to school "Thank You, Lord, for such a gorgeous day...he must have 20-20 vision...or yikes..he just might be in love...HELP!
You have such a sweet neighbor! It looks pretty to me, but you can have it, thank you.
White can be very pretty, but I think we're ready for some green here too...I'd really like to skip past the brown mud though!
We were just under the record for the highest amount of snow in January on record. It's been unbelievable cold, too. The diff for us has been the sun seems to have shone more. I'm very used to the gray, like your pics. The sunshine makes it a little more tolerable!
We have an older neighbor man that has a lawn tractor with a plow on it and he does EVERBODIES sidewalk. So sweet.
That is a lot of snow. Hope after groundhog day the end of winter is near.
83 years old and still out able to work! I love to hear/see people like this. What a gift to have their health and a gift of years to boot. Your neighbor must be very special. I wish spring would hurry and get here too in a way. Enough cold...but it is cozy inside...and I truly don't like the spiders that appear in the spring. I spent the afternoon sewing but have to say, I misplaced the skirt front and cannot find it for the life of me. I was folding laundry later on....maybe??? Have a nice day dear Saija...
Yes, I did. :o) And we have about an inch of snow on the ground, so schools are closed tomorrow.
Dear Saija,
hope you soon will have your mud and melt.
In my birth town , 12o kilometers from here, we could have snow until April, before the climate changes around the millennium.
My mother would always be severely depressed in the end.
She shovel snow away to see her precious Snowbells in full bloom under the snow.
Now, In February we have ice, but no snow. My Mom has an inch of snow, but doesn't complain.
The days are getting longer. The other day at aunt Lilly's we had a beautiful sundown at 5.30.
Have you got Snowbells in your garden??
In some few weeks they'll start to grow, snow or mud.
From Felisol
Hi Saija,
What beautiful pictures!
And what a sweet 83 year old neighbor!
What a gorgeous sight it must be to behold... this coming from someone who begins to feel "cold" when the temperature reaches 20 degrees... which is what it is right now here. I'm in bed, at 3 a.m., under a thick blanket, and my two dogs, a dachshund and a half basset hound under blankets, too! Bless you, Saija. Take heart, winter is nearly over and spring is just around the bend!
You have a wonderful neighbor. Him trekking through the snow to blow your driveway, well, it reminds me of something my grandpa might have done when he were alive. He was just that kind of person. :)
I see the beauty in the snow, but then again, if I want to see it in person, I have to drive two hours to do so. :)
I don't know how you do it; I can see why longer days and color is so greatly appreciated! I appreciate it but when you are truly deprived...the appreciation is deeper! It is cold (i guess warm compared to where you are) here to me....I really don't think I could survive if it lasted longer than the short spurts we have here in the Southeastern US - and it is 34 degrees right now!
Thanks for your comments on my blog! It is fun to think we can be connected via internet when we are 1000's of miles apart. FUN!
I send you WARM greetings!
Hey up there..in winter wonderland. =) Just dropping in quickly to say hello. We had nasty roads last night...it was a relief to get back home from prayer meeting. We crept home..sliding at times. Nasty cold here....20 degrees. The sun is shining just as bold as can be today....I didn't say anything to it but really! Why not a little warmer please....just kidding! =)
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