For Those Tears I Died
Words and Music by Marsha J. and Russ Stevens
© 1972 Communique Music, Inc.
You said you'd come and share all my sorrows
You said you'd be there for all my tomorrows
I came so close to sending you away
But just like you promised, you came here to stay
I just had to pray
And Jesus said,
"Come to the water, stand by my side
I know you are thirsty, you won't be denied
I felt every tear drop, when in darkness you cried
And I strove to remind you,
It's for those tears I died"
Your goodness so great, I can't understand it
And dear Lord I know now that all this was planned
I know You're here now and always will be
Your love loosened my chains, and in You I'm free
But Jesus why me?
And Jesus said,
"Come to the water, stand by my side
I know you are thirsty, you won't be denied
I felt every tear drop, when in darkness you cried
And I strove to remind you,
It's for those tears I died"
Jesus I give You, my heart and my soul
I know now without God, I'll never be whole
Savior, You opened all the right doors
And I thank You and praise You from earth's humble shores
Take me I'm Yours!
And Jesus said,
"Come to the water, stand by my side
I know you are thirsty, you won't be denied
I felt every tear drop, when in darkness you cried
And I strove to remind you,
It's for those tears I died"
* * * * * *
i was out walking in the rain this evening ... feeling sad ... overwhelmed and hemmed in by life ... i prayed as i walked along the familiar streets of our little town ... talking to the God who never leaves me, who understands my cry - even before it leaves my mouth- i just spilled all my frustrations out to Him ... He knows exactly what i am thinking all the time - so i may as well be completely honest! and the thing i love love love about my Heavenly Father ... about Jesus who has saved me ... and the Holy Spirit who lives within me ... is that They comforted me ... and not only did i find comfort, but it became a 2 way conversation ... i didn't hear voices - but i did "hear" verses that i've memorized ... verses that were exactly the encouragement i needed ... when i got back home, i was feeling better ... i'm glad that God continues His work in me ... yay Lord!
Hi Saija,
I recently posted that song here..
My heart is definitely with you..learning to be honest..telling Him just what I am feeling...and trusting in His love for me...it's been a week of the experiencing deep grief as well as joy imaginable when my son got baptized..God in control of both scenarios..
Father, minister to Saija in her hour of need..let her hear You, see You in tangible form this week.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
such a beautiful song... I would love to get the music for it....
thanks for posting...the reminder that our Heavenly Father never, never leave us...
Sometimes he comforts and lifts us right up and sometimes he lets us just...cry. Sometimes we need to (o:
Have you been over to see my beech pictures. They might give you a warm sandy feeling (o:
I actually read this post yesterday. It stayed in my heart and made me think. Today it is raining and those rain drops reminded me once again of what you had written.
Life hemming us in, frustrations and ups and downs. Yes, God knows our crys and sees the tears before they fall. I too am having those 2 way conversations with God thru verses and songs and they always result in one thing - His comfort. How does the world manage without Him. I wouldn't even want to try.
I know how you feel. There are many days when I feel that way too.
I appreciate your sharing so openly and honestly. The song you shared is one song from long ago that I really love. For those tears Jesus died. So real and so personal.
Praying for you dear Saija. May God continue to be your comfort and strength. Thank you for your friendship too.
Dear Saija,
He walks with me, and he talks with me..
I share your experience.
When I go to him, he's always there.
I guess I too often try to be clever and manage by my own.
So unnecessarily in vain.
I was never meant to be alone.
Thanks for inspiring sharing.
From Felisol
HUGS to you, dear...the road gets awfully weary at times!! I do love Psalms especially much and have so often gone there for comfort...and as you say, later when we need it, the verses will be "heard"!!
Blessings, Elizabeth
I'm so sorry you've been feeling overwhelmed. We all have our burdens, don't we. I can't even imagine how big God's shoulders must be that He can carry all of our burdens for us. Then again, we do try so very hard to carry our own burdens, I suppose he has to just put us all in His very capable hands, instead, and carry the whole of us.
You have shared a common thread among many of your readers .. and the reason you/we go on is all about Him.
How neat that you walked along your pathways feeling blue, and then chose to photograph it in your next post with prayer and Thanksgiving! God is so Good, my friend!.
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