time is such a fleeting commodity, isn't it? sometimes we look back and say "i wish i would have had more time for ............. " ... the only way to get the time - is take the time ... i'm so very very glad that at least this week, i did just that!
I can tell you had a nice day, I like the picture of you and your Mom.
So glad you got to spend that special time with your Mom. Those berries look great and it is such a huge patch (o: She looks so cute by the computer.. you too of course.
I need one of those mosquito nets to use up at the cottage! I don't like the spray either. That's one beautiful big raspberry patch, I hope Leo got enough to eat to his hearts content!
You are so right, time is fleeting, you spent yours very wisely visiting your sweet Mom. Your a good daughter!
I know your visit was a blessing to both you and your mom. What a berry patch!!!
Dear Saija,
Your Mom and mine are equally far from their daughters.
I find it difficult to visit as often as I'd like, especially since I don't drive a car.
I wonder, don't you have bog myrtles on the moors of Manitoba. A small bunch of bog myrtle leaves keeps the mosquitoes away, if if you live close by a pine wood.
I've harvested a lot for winter use. It keeps moths away from wool as well.
Sad to learn that Leo has been ill.
I'm praying for the two of you just now.
From Felisol
I enjoyed your cute pictures, Saija. I'm so glad you got to visit with your mother. Sorry Leo has been sick ~
Have you heard of Skype? I talk with and see my family face to face several times a week and the best part is it is free and on the computer (unless you pay by the minute for an internet connection). It would be a way of keeping in touch with your Mom and it feel so much more like a visit than just a phone call because of the live video. Check out this web site and download the Skype program that is appropriate for your computer. http://www.skype.com You can even talk to folks around the world if you are careful with the time zones.Hope that works for you.
hey guys ... i always love to read your notes ... makes my day ... :o)
and re the bog myrtle that felisol mentioned - we don't have any here in our parts, and there are species of mosquito that carry west nile so protection is important ...
as for skypes that jackie mentioned ... my mom doesn't have high speed, so wouldn't work that way ... i do have msn with video, that i've used on occasion with finn family or my west coast siter, but we're more the telephone/e-mail type of visitors because of time difference and lifestyle differences ... we don't seem to be on the same page for these things ... i appreciate the suggestions tho' ... :o)
You look very fashionable in your mosquito netting! I'm so glad you took the time for a nice visit with your mom. I hope Leo is feeling much better by now!
How neat!
Nice to read you had a good time with Mom rasberries and all.
Both of you seem to be enjoying the computer work.
May mother settle nicely in her new home .
Mom visits are so sweet, aren't they? They're the kind of visits that get sweeter the more you think about them and what you did together.
Raspberries are very healthy for you, I'll bet they made Leo feel tons better after he got to eat some. :)
I'm so glad that you had a chance to have a wonderful visit with your mom...the pictures are great...and you look like you were having so much fun just being together...
Hi Saija, I haven't been around in awhile. My parents have sold their place and we have been busy packing up 61 years of stuff! The big move is saturday!
What a blessing to be able to visit with your mom. I'm sure she appreciates the help with the computer and camera. Love the pictures. Hope Leo is better by now!! Blessings to you
What a wonderful picture of you and your Mom! (I clicked to enlarge it..you look so content together) Reminded me of my Mom with her pretty eyes. I wish I was like you Saija....driving off into the blue yonder...being brave enough to pick berries in a bear 'area'. =)...Lets see what do I do thats brave? Not sure, I'll have to think about that one! Really, I don't think brave describes me...maybe faithful would be a better word for me. I think. Oh my, you caught me in a contemplative mood...someone/thing ruffled my feathers/heart...and I'm fragile today. But tough underneath...I must remind me. Thats good your Leo is feeling better! A day without stress of any kind...is a little bit of heaven, surely. *big hugs* to you my friend. and many wishes for a sunny happy day.
Nice to be here visiting with you again...I can see that you resemble your mother...we all do..smile!!
Glad you had a good trip but do hope that leo is okay now and on the other side of sick...
So true, what you say about taking the time...!
Those Berries look really delicious! How smart of you to use Mosquito Netting...! A lovely visit with your lovely Momma...!
Dear Saiji,
How nice to get away and visit your dear mom. Sometimes it's hard to plan get-a-ways when you are caring for someone back home. I'm glad Leo is feeling better .. will pray now the his virus has subsided. Hoping your mom can sell her home and have a smooth move.
SUch a heartwarming post, thank you for sharing the fun times you had visiting your mom.
Loved the pic of you at the raspberry patch. The netting sure helps keep bugs away.
Hope you can continue to visit your mom, and more often too. Nothing like a mom and daughter bonding time.
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