i feel at loose ends when the seasons change ... my life seems to shift gears into utter quietness as the winter closes in ... and with the added stress of looking for that elusive home/condo to suit our needs (re leo's health issues) - in an area where real estate doesn't come up often - well i start to question my very existence and usefullness!
just a few minutes ago, as i was preparing to blog on a totally different subject, i came across a post i had written almost 2 years ago ... here is what it said:
Life is a journey.
Old cliche . . . but it becomes more real the older a person gets!
[as i read blogs] this morning ... it seemed like i received an answer to a question that i hadn’t even been asking . . . the old question of "if a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there, does it still make a sound?"
. . . if i live my life for Christ - even though it is a quiet life - trying to be the wife that L needs and helping him along in this chronic pain journey, and if there isn’t much leftover to do the "great things" . . . does my life still matter in God’s house?
If i remain faithful to Him who called me to this journey, and if i believe that i am living out my life doing what was laid before me to do . . . then even if it is only the dust bunnies that witness it . . . i will remain steadfast . . .
which leads to another questions, are there dust bunnies in God’s house too?
and as my blogging friend Knitter Kat so sweetly reminded me the other day, my most important job in this life could very well be - caring for leo and being the best wife i know how ... *smile* ...
tho' this "best wife" still would love to find that "best place" for us to live!!! stubborn old gal, aren't i?