God is still in control ... despite upheavel in our old world ... and hate being manifest in all kinds of ugly ways ... yet there is still beauty in the soul who makes God their place of refuge ... the God Who has always been there ...
random thoughts on chronic pain and life issues ... with the occasional weather report thrown in!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Friday, November 21, 2008
Isaiah 40:28
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
page 49:
After an eternity of being God, He shows no signs of wear and tear. He has no needs. His accounts are in the black. He's the owner, not to mention Creator, of all of the world's wealth and treasure. He made the gold and silver, and the trees we print our paper money on. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and all the hills the cows are standing on. He holds the patent on the skies above - not to mention the earth, the seas and their depths below, the breeze, the colors of the sunset and every flowering thing. They all are His invention. His design. His idea.
God does whatever He wants. His purposes are a sure thing. There's no stopping Him. No containing Him. No refuting Him. No cutting Him off at the pass. No short-circuiting His agenda. God is in control.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
lest we forget . . .
Day is done...
Gone the sun...
From the lake...
From the hills...
From the sky...
All is well...
Safely rest...
God is nigh.
Thanks and praise...
For our days...
'Neath the sun...
'Neath the stars...
'Neath the sky...
As we go...
This we know...
God is nigh.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
snow and ice make a manitoba autumn!

the snow does make me think about Christmas ... but it also makes me think of isolation ... i suffer a bit from that seasonal disorder, where i crave more sunshine and warmth ... it's a battle to remain positive at times ...
did you know that i've been blogging for 4 years now?
i started blogging just around the time when the seasonal sadness wanted to wipe the cheer from my heart ... blogging helped battle the blahs! ... the wonderful added bonus became YOU - my blogging buds ... at first i thought i'd be posting into cyber space ... a one way missile ... but i was blessed with "meeting" folks who have cheered my heart through the years ... encouraged me ... prayed for both leo and i ... recommended or even sent me encouraging books to read ... i mean the list has been endless ... endless eternal blessings ...
these past months my posts have been sketchy at best ... my visits to your blogs, haphazard ... i want to continue blogging, but one needs to have the desire to share ... i think i am going through a season of sadness ... now with winter weather arriving, the sadness is more melancholy ...
just keeping you in my loop ... which is sort of loop-ee at the moment! *smile* ...
blessings on your sunday ...
Thursday, November 06, 2008
billy graham turns 90
billy graham's birthday is tomorrow - november 7th ... and he will be 90 ... if you want to leave a little "happy birthday" note, you can do that at http://www.billygraham.org/ ...
here is what dr. graham had to say about this birthday:
“I never expected to live this long, and it is hard to believe I have reached the age of 90,” says Mr. Graham. “Every day is a gift from God, no matter how old we are. I have discovered that just because we grow weaker physically as we age, it doesn’t mean that we must grow weaker spiritually. In fact, we ought to be growing stronger spiritually because our eyes ought to be on eternity and Heaven—on the things that really matter.”
i have been so blessed by the billy graham ministry over the years ... the decision magazines and books that they sent - i can truly say that God has used them in my life - to help me grow in grace ...
the world is a better place because of billy (and ruth - who has already entered into her reward)
may God bless billy graham ...
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Sunday, November 02, 2008
... and with Jesus

There is an infinite variety in the paths God makes, and He can make them anywhere! Think you not that He, who made the spider able to drop anywhere and to spin its own path as it goes, is not able to spin a path for you through every blank, or perplexity, or depression? God is never lost among our mysteries. He sees the road, "the end from the beginning."
Mystery and uncertainty are only to prepare us for deeper discipline. Had we no stormy sea we should remain weaklings to the end of our days. God takes us out into the deeps; but he knows the track! He knows the haven! and we shall arrive.