the snow does make me think about Christmas ... but it also makes me think of isolation ... i suffer a bit from that seasonal disorder, where i crave more sunshine and warmth ... it's a battle to remain positive at times ...
did you know that i've been blogging for 4 years now?
i started blogging just around the time when the seasonal sadness wanted to wipe the cheer from my heart ... blogging helped battle the blahs! ... the wonderful added bonus became YOU - my blogging buds ... at first i thought i'd be posting into cyber space ... a one way missile ... but i was blessed with "meeting" folks who have cheered my heart through the years ... encouraged me ... prayed for both leo and i ... recommended or even sent me encouraging books to read ... i mean the list has been endless ... endless eternal blessings ...
these past months my posts have been sketchy at best ... my visits to your blogs, haphazard ... i want to continue blogging, but one needs to have the desire to share ... i think i am going through a season of sadness ... now with winter weather arriving, the sadness is more melancholy ...
just keeping you in my loop ... which is sort of loop-ee at the moment! *smile* ...
blessings on your sunday ...
Keep your eyes upon Jesus, the eternal LIGHT. Is that a current picture? I notice the Christmas decorations are already up. It looks beautiful and very serene.
Happy blogaversary! I'm glad you're still here and posting. Will keep you in my thoughts. Do you have some full-spectrum lighting in your house? I believe that's supposed to help with SAD.
Happy 4 years! I think I found you a little over a year ago and you have been a blessing to me. I'll keep you and Leo in my prayers.
Happy Four years......and I shall pray that you keep sharing...keep blogging...I struggle with it too...but am thankful for the readers and friends God has given me...and all the wonderful blogs He directs me to.....ones such as yours....
hugs and blessings
Blessings to you too my friend!! I can understand about winter having an effect on you. since moving here to the South East of Georgia it is hard on me on the days that it is dreary because we so seldom have them and so we have alot of sun. THEN we have those dreary days and well I just do not do well on those days at all. Take care and keep writing..you have alot of in you I bet..Sandy
I've been on blogger for 4 years, too. And I consider my life blessed because our paths have crossed...God is so good that way!!
I love to be kept in your loop, loop-ee or not!
I agree with the seasonal disorder thing, winter lasts way to long. By February I get very loop-ee my self!
You've been a blessing to me and I look forward to much more of the same!!
I'm so glad that I "happened upon" your blog that day, a couple of years ago. It's been such a blessing, getting to know you.
Winter lasts too long here, too. :(
Do you have one of those lights to sit under that help with the seasonal blues? I understand that they are very helpful. I encouraged my oldest daughter to get one today.
And I find that listening to soothing music, reading Scripture, chatting with others, doing whatever one can for others, sewing, other hobbies, etc. is most helpful too...though I am not as affected by the weather as some are. Of course, I live in HOT most of the year...just LONGING for cool weather.
Elizabeth, wishing you blessings!!
Hey Saija,
We share a similar struggle..there are snow flurries out there right now with a grey sky...just happened on to Lynn Mosher's post and thought it is what I need today..His Presence...to give me light and life...so glad we 'met'..you have His fragrance..
Love, Sita
Sweet Saija, I can certainly understand how you feel. I'm sorry winter has come so early. Four years is a long time, but please don't stop now. We love you and your blog.
God is the lifter of our heads and our hope, joy and strength. :o)
Hey Saija! I felt like a one-way missle when I started blogging too. If I am skimpy on the receiving end of comments I sort of still feel that way. Yet I meet people I know who tell me they read my blog-I'd had no clue. I know leaving a comment takes time but posting takes time too,right?
Yes, seasonal lack of light and sunshine and getting out and about does affect us, thats for sure. I'm beginning to understand why so many folks head south right after Christmas. Must be nice! I hope your season of sadness is shot through with sunny bits...I'm sending you a hug! I'm thankful we know each other.
congat on 4 years,
I got the same seasonal disorder!
and the light works for me!
hello to Leo!
Dear Saija,
Seasonal blur,- good expression. I think your feelings are shared by many Scandinavians. When darkness falls fiveish, the day is simply too short.
The eye needs sunlight to encourage the body's own antidepressiva. Artificial white light lamps are not bad, might be good for Leo too, since he's sitting a lot indoors.
Walking, moving, singing, dancing,- it's all helping body and soul. So is playing with Scooter.
Oh, I wish you were my neighbor. I'd let you lend Gunnar's white light lamp and pop over with some chocolate, also good for the blues.
Have just been talking with daughter Serina, she's also suffering, it's too bad, really.
God help us all.
From Felisol
Winter is not my favorite season, but I've learned to enjoy the slower pace....and especially the days when the sun is shining brightly and sparkling on the snow....so I'll pray for lots of those sunny days for you too!
Happy four years of blogging, Saija! You are always a calming place in the storms of Blogland....thank-you! Blessings, Debra
I've been in the same mode lately of not blogging, reading others' blogs, or emailing regularly. I think I just get overstimulated sometimes -- with being so plugged in to email and the web all the time, sometimes you just want to shut down for awhile. You just don't have the energy to post or chat online.
I hope you're feeling well despite the seasonal sadness. I actually love autumn and winter weather -- I tend to get more gloomy in the summer heat because it's so oppressive here!
**hugs** to you and Leo!
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