There is an infinite variety in the paths God makes, and He can make them anywhere! Think you not that He, who made the spider able to drop anywhere and to spin its own path as it goes, is not able to spin a path for you through every blank, or perplexity, or depression? God is never lost among our mysteries. He sees the road, "the end from the beginning."
Mystery and uncertainty are only to prepare us for deeper discipline. Had we no stormy sea we should remain weaklings to the end of our days. God takes us out into the deeps; but he knows the track! He knows the haven! and we shall arrive.
Beautiful pictures and I love the devotional too.
as long as we make the journey with Jesus...we'll be all right in the end!!
"He sees the road from the beginning to the end"...this is why I am not worrying where he wants Mike and I to go if our home sells...
Dear Saija,
You have generously sharing words of comfort lately. They are highly appreciated.
From Felisol
I love that devotional, and the pics are beautiful.. Thanks for sharing it is so good for us here in the States with the election lurking just around the corner.
Thanks for the inspiring post, Saija.
Thanks for the fodder to ponder!
Amen! Great post!
Hi Saija, this is a very nice Sunday devotion. Thank you.
Thank you too, for the nice comment and BDay wish on Terry's blog. I am back from Guatemala and am in the process of catching up with my blogging. I have 40 unanswered comments on the blogs. (I will probably skip the 16 on my WW and Skywatch posts.)
I did post a comment on Terry's birthday blog, thank you again.
My, I needed to hear that! I am worried about our elections here. Not on the surface but there's an undercurrent of deep concern running through our nation. Tomorrow we vote..here where we are. Thank you for sharing this devotional truth. I just may come back over later and read it again. So your Scooter isn't declawed...smile. Mom's cat was good/bad. She used to scoot on her behind down Mom's carpeted hall...after using the litter box. We WERE shocked...Mum pretended not to see. Ya gotta love her loyalty, right? =)
Wonderful devotional - beautiful pictures. They give me peace.
Hopefully a sign of things to come. Very nice.
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