Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape
Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~Celia Thaxter
random thoughts on chronic pain and life issues ... with the occasional weather report thrown in!
Reach out to Jesus
Is your burden heavy as you bear it all alone?
Does the road you travel harbour danger yet unknown?
Are you growing weary in the struggle of it all?
Jesus will help you when on His name you call.
He is always there hearing every prayer, faithful and true.
Walking by our side in His love we hide all the day through.
When you get discouraged just remember what to do,
Reach out to Jesus He's reaching out to you.
Is the life you're living filled with sorrow and despair?
Does the future press you with it's worry and it's care?
Are you tired and friendless, have you almost lost your way?
Jesus will help you, just come to Him today.
i am thankful that the Lord showed His kindness towards me by making the salt mines i toiled in, such a pleasant place!