what i have found so interesting about the lovely flowers this plant produces - is how quickly they come - and go - ... i mean you could pretty well blink and the blooms have dropped off and died ... that's only a slight exaggeration!
when you capture the flower in full bloom - it is breathtakingly lovely ...
but you must pay attention ... otherwise, the blossom just withers and falls - it's loveliness never to be gazed on again ...
it seems the Lord has been bringing flowers and the brevity of their life - to my notice ... especially in the last 2 years ... i seem to notice their beauty more ... and also the lack of effort they require ... they would still blossom and sway smilingly in the wind, even if no one noticed but the birds of the air ...
take time .... take time ... to notice what is around you ... enjoy the moment ... and give all the praise and glory to God ...
You know what is happpening don't you? You are beginning to feel the effects of getting older just like the rest of us and starting to look at things a bit different. I am that way too. You want to stop and enjoy things a bit more than you did before. I understand and there is nothing at all wrong with that either. Do it..enjoy!! Sandy
GORGEOUS!! I love hibiscus, after having grown up with hedges of them around our house in Asia.
Take Care
Sandy ... well that makes sense ... :o) ... i also hope that there is some wisdom happening within - that i don't look at just the material, but those things that one can't replace ... it's a good place to be in ...
ginger ... wow, hedges of hibiscus ... sounds like a bit of paradis to me!
michael ... as i type this, i'm looking at another flower that opened this morning, soon to drop to the ground 'cause it's life was spent quickly ... better go grab my camera, eh!
What a lovely name for hibiscus...'china rose'. They are strikingly beautiful. I think...if you take a blossom and let it lay in a dish of water or maybe just on a table? it will last its day fine. Have you ever heard of a 'flowering maple'? They too are lovely, only more delicate in appearance. And thanks for your kind comment about my collage..it takes about oh...I probably play around with it for, I don't know maybe an hour? more or less, till I'm suited. Its fun, for I never know what I'll end up with. You know, I really love the spiritial application to many of your posts. It strikes a chord in my heart. *e-hugs* coming along with this comment. e for email?...smile
maggie ann ... it is the spiritual life that i am seeing in everything, everywhere - these days ... it's always ALL been there, and i've been studying God's word for a very long time ... but all of a sudden, that Word is in the flowers, in my walks, in the very air i breath ... if this is aging, well i pray for more of it!! :o) ... *e-hugs* backatcha!
I never paid much or any attention to flowers until I met Vi. She has shown me a lot of the beauties of nature. In the next day or so I will post a couple of pictures of her flowers.
All of nature is so beautiful.
What a great reminder! (and a beautiful flower too!).
Also, I realized tonight that I never thanked everyone who congratulated me on my graduation, so I just wanted to say THANK YOU for the kind comment you left! Now that school is behind me (at least for now anyways!) and my schedules at both my jobs are hopefully going to calm down soon, I'm hoping to have more free time (and more time to read blogs and write posts!).
I hope you and Leo are having a great summer so far. The weather has been beautiful in my neck of the woods (a few days have been a touch too hot for my liking, but I'm not complaining!!).
Visiting via Pilgrim's blog and wanted to send well wishes and blessings. Beautiful photos!
stop and smell the rose's
great pictures, esp. the last one!
enjoy your time!
it is good to see vicki, out and about! :)
have a great day!
hello to Leo
bill ... i'm glad that flowers are a part of your life now ... :o)
lauren-mary ... time, that elusive element! here's hoping that you have a summer that has time in abundance for the things you love!
vicki ... thank you for stopping by ... blessings on you!
jel ... did i tell you that i have a rose bush growing in my little flower garden? i don't know what colour they are yet - but the buds are there ... i love those kinds of surprises! ((hugs))
We have a dark pink one. You have described them so well.
Susan ... pink? must be really nice!
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