random thoughts on chronic pain and life issues ... with the occasional weather report thrown in!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
a week in pics
my first week off went by so quickly that i barely had time to blog about it! so i thought i'd post a few visuals ... click on the pic to make them larger ...
i spent a lovely day in the city, visiting family ... on the way back the clouds were amazing! “Sing to God, sing praise to his name, extol him who rides on the clouds — his name is the LORD— and rejoice before him. A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.” (Psalm 68:4-5)
my brother came for a weekend visit ... it was great to veg out and not worry about the time ... we even went for a walk in the evening ...
leo hasn't been well enough to go fishing in the past 2 years ... and i LOVE fish ... so one of our buddies came over with 5 walleye for me!!!!! YUM ... i'm glad leo hadn't forgotten how to fillet them ... boy was i ready for a good walleye feed!!!
the roses are blooming in my little flower garden ... they are delicate and lovely ... tho' quite short lived ... only 4-5 days ...
there was a double rainbow last night ... it was beautiful and i tried to capture it - but it was so magnificent and grand that only a portion fit in my little digi ... reminded me of how i sometimes try to put God in a box ... but He is so HUGE and fills every space ... i'm so GLAD He is MORE then i could ever imagine!
and this is how my little flower garden looks today ...
i have ridden my bike ... done some shopping ... gone to a garage sale and farmers' market ... just thoroughly enjoyed ... my one sadness is the way Leo feels ... but i keep praying about that and keep praying that his spirit remains upbeat ... God knows ... and God cares ...
Wish that Leo was feeling better too!! I always hate it when my hubby is not feeling well and of course I know that Leo has always not been well. I would really be upset if my hubby was that way. Take care of him as I am sure you do. Beautiful pictures..Sandy
I'm glad you are enjoying your time at home. Your pictures are beautiful as usual. I know Leo is happy to have you with him, and I pray he will get better.
Your pictures are beautiful. I hope Leo realizes how lucky he is to have you at his side. I hope he is feeling better soon. My prayers are with you both Bill
catherine ... i certainly DO appreciate your prayers ... ((hugs))
michael ... i've been having a blast taking pics lately ... summers are so lovely!!!
Sandy ... it has been almost 24 years since leo's first back surgery, and the chronic problems started then ... but God does give grace - daily!
cathy ... just last night i woke up at 3:45 and spent about an hour praying, i just couldn't sleep ... and if physical healing does't come - then i just pray for the spirit to be stronger then ever ...
jeanette ... you are way too kind ... :o) ... but thank you ...
bill ... thank you, i appreciate all the prayer that folks want to send our way! and blessings on our day too ...
Hello Saija:-) Thank you so much for coming to visit my blog and leaving a comment...I love "meeting" new people!! I've just read some of your posts and have thoroughly enjoyed them. Your pictures are beautiful and what a great shot of that double rainbow! I don't know when the last time was that I saw a double one!! Your flowers are gorgeous...your lilies are a bit ahead of mine, can't wait for mine to start blooming after seeing yours:-) xox
I'm starting to have a faint idea what it is to be with husband with pain. Juha, my husband has a tumor in his arm. Not painful and supposably good, but being there for him in his battle with doubts and fears is demanding. I don't how you have survived all those years... Well, I guess God gives strength as we need.
Reading about that fish made me hungry :) I was just explaining to a little 6-year-old friend about fishing today. I related to her all the times I went fishing while vacationing in the US when I was little. Just talking about the jerk on the line, the thrill of the catch, and the feel of the scales made me miss fishing so much! We used to catch Blue Gill and Bass...small fish, but delicious all the same! Glad you've hasuch a lovely week!
Love the picture of the rainbow and your comments. Yes, God is way to big for us to capture more than a faint glimpse but even that is more than enough! Susan
pea ... sudbury is a familiar place for us ... leo worked there one summer and his sister lived there for many years ... :o)
mrs.mac ... this retirement thing, is very nice ... :o)
maiju ... sometimes life did/does get trying ... i try not to take things personally (when he's not feeling well) and to stay cheerful ... the joy of the Lord is pretty good armor!
heb 11:1 ... leo loved to fish at one time and had such great times in his old boat ... life has a way of changing tho' and we just have to move along with it ...
Susan ... amen ... He continually shows us His love and care - as well as His majesty ... blessings on you ...
Saija, how grateful I am that indeed God knows and God cares! We won't exchange that for a $1,000,000.00 would we?!! I know I won't and I know you won't either.
I love the pics of your flowers. Well, in all honesty, I enjoy ALL your pics. The double rainbow was beautiful! :)
Loved the pictures....looks like you're really anticipating eating those fish, I bet they were yummy! I'm anticipating joining you in retirement soon - I have a growing list of things in my head that I plan to do when that day comes, but on the top is just to stop and soak in the quiet goodness of God! Blessings!
Saija, I'm so glad you had such a fun week (and that you shared it with us in words and pics...thanks!). Continued prayers said for Leo... Blessings, Debra
My!! Just fall on your noggin and then find out all the good posts you miss Saija!! That is what I am realizing! Right now I should be at church but I think I will stay away a couple of more meetings with my face lookig so smashed up and all. I just might put on my sun glasses and my big hat and go to the gospel meeting tonight...MAYBE!
That rainbow picture is just stunning Saija! We DO get rainbows here mind you but because of all the buildings and trees, it is rare that we can see them, let alone take such a nice picture as this one you took.
The treasure at the end of that rainbow for us, Saija is the friendship and love that you give to all of us, your invisble blogging friends...Love Terry
You have such a beautiful life, Saija! I only wish Leo's health was better. You two are always in my prayers.
what a set of fabulous photos!
Take Care
Wish that Leo was feeling better too!! I always hate it when my hubby is not feeling well and of course I know that Leo has always not been well. I would really be upset if my hubby was that way. Take care of him as I am sure you do.
Beautiful pictures..Sandy
I'm glad you are enjoying your time at home. Your pictures are beautiful as usual. I know Leo is happy to have you with him, and I pray he will get better.
*peaceful sigh*
Leo is fortunate to have you around -- you always see the beauty in things.
Your pictures are beautiful. I hope Leo realizes how lucky he is to have you at his side. I hope he is feeling better soon.
My prayers are with you both
catherine ... i certainly DO appreciate your prayers ... ((hugs))
michael ... i've been having a blast taking pics lately ... summers are so lovely!!!
Sandy ... it has been almost 24 years since leo's first back surgery, and the chronic problems started then ... but God does give grace - daily!
cathy ... just last night i woke up at 3:45 and spent about an hour praying, i just couldn't sleep ... and if physical healing does't come - then i just pray for the spirit to be stronger then ever ...
jeanette ... you are way too kind ... :o) ... but thank you ...
bill ... thank you, i appreciate all the prayer that folks want to send our way! and blessings on our day too ...
Hello Saija:-) Thank you so much for coming to visit my blog and leaving a comment...I love "meeting" new people!! I've just read some of your posts and have thoroughly enjoyed them. Your pictures are beautiful and what a great shot of that double rainbow! I don't know when the last time was that I saw a double one!! Your flowers are gorgeous...your lilies are a bit ahead of mine, can't wait for mine to start blooming after seeing yours:-) xox
Thought I'd pop on over to see how retirement is treating you ;) The fish fry sounds yummy! Enjoyed the pictures.
I enjoyed your pictures!
I'm starting to have a faint idea what it is to be with husband with pain. Juha, my husband has a tumor in his arm. Not painful and supposably good, but being there for him in his battle with doubts and fears is demanding. I don't how you have survived all those years... Well, I guess God gives strength as we need.
Reading about that fish made me hungry :) I was just explaining to a little 6-year-old friend about fishing today. I related to her all the times I went fishing while vacationing in the US when I was little. Just talking about the jerk on the line, the thrill of the catch, and the feel of the scales made me miss fishing so much! We used to catch Blue Gill and Bass...small fish, but delicious all the same!
Glad you've hasuch a lovely week!
The little pilgrim pal
Love the picture of the rainbow and your comments. Yes, God is way to big for us to capture more than a faint glimpse but even that is more than enough!
pea ... sudbury is a familiar place for us ... leo worked there one summer and his sister lived there for many years ... :o)
mrs.mac ... this retirement thing, is very nice ... :o)
maiju ... sometimes life did/does get trying ... i try not to take things personally (when he's not feeling well) and to stay cheerful ... the joy of the Lord is pretty good armor!
heb 11:1 ... leo loved to fish at one time and had such great times in his old boat ... life has a way of changing tho' and we just have to move along with it ...
Susan ... amen ... He continually shows us His love and care - as well as His majesty ... blessings on you ...
Saija, how grateful I am that indeed God knows and God cares! We won't exchange that for a $1,000,000.00 would we?!! I know I won't and I know you won't either.
I love the pics of your flowers. Well, in all honesty, I enjoy ALL your pics. The double rainbow was beautiful! :)
Loved the pictures....looks like you're really anticipating eating those fish, I bet they were yummy!
I'm anticipating joining you in retirement soon - I have a growing list of things in my head that I plan to do when that day comes, but on the top is just to stop and soak in the quiet goodness of God!
Saija, I'm so glad you had such a fun week (and that you shared it with us in words and pics...thanks!). Continued prayers said for Leo... Blessings, Debra
Claire ... a million $$ couldn't buy what we now possess! amen to that!
pat ... after tomorrow, there will only be 3 fridays left for you! WOW!!
debra ... just like the Lord gave me a summer vacation, you have one too! :o) i am finding mine quite special so far!
Just fall on your noggin and then find out all the good posts you miss Saija!!
That is what I am realizing!
Right now I should be at church but I think I will stay away a couple of more meetings with my face lookig so smashed up and all.
I just might put on my sun glasses and my big hat and go to the gospel meeting tonight...MAYBE!
That rainbow picture is just stunning Saija!
We DO get rainbows here mind you but because of all the buildings and trees, it is rare that we can see them, let alone take such a nice picture as this one you took.
The treasure at the end of that rainbow for us, Saija is the friendship and love that you give to all of us, your invisble blogging friends...Love Terry
terry ... sure hope you start to heal up quickly from that fall!!! sheesh, eh!!
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