I'm tuning in to this tonight ... I've seen specials before on him and he has had a unique relationship with many presidents. The media seems to be in awe of him ... and from what I've seen before, he never allows them to back him in a corner. Graham has a genuine non stoppable power from the Lord when among the masses of people.
Oh, I have to remember to watch this! I have never witnessed the media being anything but respectful to Billy Graham. I would be surprised if I ever noticed anything less than that. He certainly deserves nothing but the highest regard - I think his life has been above reproach - it has left no room for nay-sayers. The world had been blessed by this Godly man.
Saija, Thank you for telling us about this. I hope it will be a wonderful program about this Godly man. But they will probably show some controversial things about his relationship with certain Presidents. Overall, I don't see how there could be anything critical of him at all, since he was so very well loved.
mari,tina, mrs.mac, pat, cathy ... i noticed that some ABC stations will be showing a pre-season football game ... :o( ... we have a small dish, so i found it on another station - but i was sort of disappointed about that! hopefully the affiliates that show football will re-broadcast ... and i hope that the affiliates you guys see are actually broadcasting it!
It will bring back many memories...I've got my TV set to record--but almost forgot! thanks for the reminder--He is truly a great defender of the faith!
I could not believe in my last sentence, I spoke of him in the past tense. Sorry. The program was good. It did show something detrimental that he said and apologized for. And I kept feeling like it was good politically for a certain couple. Maybe that was just my point of view. It showed his preaching and ministering to the presidents, and I enjoyed it.
antibk ... amen - he's an awesome defender of the faith!
cathy ... i knew that you knew he was still with us ... :o) ... and that thought re "good for some politicians" did run through my mind too - but it is/was all history played out before us ..
I like Billy Graham too. Nicky Cruz was here in Finland this week. I went to see him on Saturday. The ice hall was full of people! He was amazing and power of God was there. Only God can turn that much of pain and hurt to love and victorious life! :) It's good to be in a winning team...
maiju ... i remember i bought the book "the cross and the switchblade" for my dad ... it was in Finnish, and i gave it to him after he had had a particularly heavy bought of drinking ... he was an avid reader, also an intellectual seeker - so he read the book ... to this day, i don't know what he thought of it ... but at the time (1970) it was a very exciting read - the power of God in a man's life! ... cool that you got to hear nicky cruz ...
Hi Saija...we had a special on the tv show, 'Nightline' here and they slammed him for a quote of his about Jews. I think it was something released in a private conversation with Nixon... I'd rather believe he was echoeing Nixon's views...peer pressure, that sort of thing. Very unfair and cruel really, with him in the last years of his life and just losing his wife. Although his televised evangelistic meetings were powerfully moving...and I prayed the prayer for salvation with him as a child, (perhaps more than once...smile) I was not convicted of my sins personally until as an adult in a local church evangelistic meetings. The evangelist challenged me personally at the altar and from the pulpit. He knew I was lost but I didn't....but Jesus Christ fixed that the last day of the meetings. A Mother's Day...down the altar I walked...should have ran. Smile. Oh glorious day!
maggie ann ... what a cool testimony! it was the billy graham crusade held in Winnipeg, back in the mid 60's, that got me down to the front and taking another step along the salvation road ... i didn't fully understand grace & salvation until a few years later ... my journey to that moment of true awareness and understanding of "being saved" took some years, but our God is patient and draws in the seeking, repentent heart ... and as with even billy graham, we are all just saved sinners - none perfect except God! praise Him for loving us enough to come down to live amongst us - then give up His life, so that we could one day be with Him - forever!! sweet sweet salvation ...
Thanks for the post. I saw this advertised but would have forgotten. I would like to see this.
Now there's something to be in prayer about!
I'm tuning in to this tonight ... I've seen specials before on him and he has had a unique relationship with many presidents. The media seems to be in awe of him ... and from what I've seen before, he never allows them to back him in a corner. Graham has a genuine non stoppable power from the Lord when among the masses of people.
Oh, I have to remember to watch this!
I have never witnessed the media being anything but respectful to Billy Graham. I would be surprised if I ever noticed anything less than that. He certainly deserves nothing but the highest regard - I think his life has been above reproach - it has left no room for nay-sayers. The world had been blessed by this Godly man.
Saija, Thank you for telling us about this. I hope it will be a wonderful program about this Godly man. But they will probably show some controversial things about his relationship with certain Presidents.
Overall, I don't see how there could be anything critical of him at all, since he was so very well loved.
mari,tina, mrs.mac, pat, cathy ... i noticed that some ABC stations will be showing a pre-season football game ... :o( ... we have a small dish, so i found it on another station - but i was sort of disappointed about that! hopefully the affiliates that show football will re-broadcast ... and i hope that the affiliates you guys see are actually broadcasting it!
It will bring back many memories...I've got my TV set to record--but almost forgot! thanks for the reminder--He is truly a great defender of the faith!
I could not believe in my last sentence, I spoke of him in the past tense. Sorry. The program was good. It did show something detrimental that he said and apologized for. And I kept feeling like it was good politically for a certain couple. Maybe that was just my point of view. It showed his preaching and ministering to the presidents, and I enjoyed it.
antibk ... amen - he's an awesome defender of the faith!
cathy ... i knew that you knew he was still with us ... :o) ... and that thought re "good for some politicians" did run through my mind too - but it is/was all history played out before us ..
I like Billy Graham too. Nicky Cruz was here in Finland this week. I went to see him on Saturday. The ice hall was full of people! He was amazing and power of God was there. Only God can turn that much of pain and hurt to love and victorious life! :) It's good to be in a winning team...
maiju ... i remember i bought the book "the cross and the switchblade" for my dad ... it was in Finnish, and i gave it to him after he had had a particularly heavy bought of drinking ... he was an avid reader, also an intellectual seeker - so he read the book ... to this day, i don't know what he thought of it ... but at the time (1970) it was a very exciting read - the power of God in a man's life! ... cool that you got to hear nicky cruz ...
Hi Saija...we had a special on the tv show, 'Nightline' here and they slammed him for a quote of his about Jews. I think it was something released in a private conversation with Nixon... I'd rather believe he was echoeing Nixon's views...peer pressure, that sort of thing. Very unfair and cruel really, with him in the last years of his life and just losing his wife. Although his televised evangelistic meetings were powerfully moving...and I prayed the prayer for salvation with him as a child, (perhaps more than once...smile) I was not convicted of my sins personally until as an adult in a local church evangelistic meetings. The evangelist challenged me personally at the altar and from the pulpit. He knew I was lost but I didn't....but Jesus Christ fixed that the last day of the meetings. A Mother's Day...down the altar I walked...should have ran. Smile. Oh glorious day!
maggie ann ... what a cool testimony! it was the billy graham crusade held in Winnipeg, back in the mid 60's, that got me down to the front and taking another step along the salvation road ... i didn't fully understand grace & salvation until a few years later ... my journey to that moment of true awareness and understanding of "being saved" took some years, but our God is patient and draws in the seeking, repentent heart ... and as with even billy graham, we are all just saved sinners - none perfect except God! praise Him for loving us enough to come down to live amongst us - then give up His life, so that we could one day be with Him - forever!! sweet sweet salvation ...
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