An old writer says,
"Faith and reason can be compared to two travelers: Faith is like a man in full health, who can walk his 20 or 30 miles at a time without suffering. Reason is like a child, who can only with difficulty accomplish 3 or 4 miles.
"Well," says this old writer, "on a given day Reason says to Faith, 'O good Faith, let me walk with you.'
"Faith replies, 'O Reason, you can never walk with me.'
"However, to try their paces, they set out together but they soon find it hard to keep company. When they come to a deep river, Reason says, 'I can never ford this.' But Faith wades through singing.
"When they reach a lofty mountain, there is the same exclamation of despair, and in such cases, Faith, in order not to leave Reason behind, is obliged to carry him on his shoulder."And, adds the writer,
"Oh, what a luggage is Reason to Faith!"
Blaise Pascal wrote in The Pensées, "The last step that reason takes is to recognize that there is an infinity of things beyond it."
page 216 Legacy of a Pack Rat ... by Ruth Bell Graham
So true! Trying to reason things out often does not work. I try to remember that God is in control and he is so much smarter than me! That is much more comforting than reason!
PS - how is Leo doing? I'm keeping you both in my prayers.
mari ... leo is still pretty weak and tired ... but he's in his own environment, which is GOOD! thank you so much for keeping us in prayer ... it is MUCH appreciated!
You are a recipient of the Nice Matters Award, but you have to come visit to get it. D)
I continue to hold you and Leo up in my prayers...
If we would just quit trying to reason everything out and simply have faith.. God could do wonders with our lives couldn't he?
I haven't visited your blog for a few days & didn't know about Leo, I will be sure to check in more often so I can pray in a more specific way for both of you. I'm so glad he is home now. God is the healer of our souls & bodies, put Leo with Him....
What great thoughts. Something to think on...smile.
Words of wisdom for sure! Sometimes Reason just needs a good talking too!
I continue to keep both you and Leo in my prayers.
rita ... that is so sweet of you to "award" my blog ... thank you ... *grin*
mimi ... blogging has certainly opened up the door to new, praying friends ... i am so grateful! thank you ...
nancy ... yes, it has been an "exciting" week! i am glad that leo got the help he needed, he is still weak and tired, but hopefully on the mend! i am grateful for your prayer ...
maggie ann ... leo and i just finished reading the Legacy of a Pack Rat ... it was like reading the blog of a very dear friend ... (hugs) to you!
pat ... i think the Lord loves to show us that no matter how smart we think we are, His reason is soooo beyond ours, and we have to take it by faith! i say - "ok Lord", lead me on! thank you for praying!
Saija, I really like that. Thank you for posting something by Ruth Bell Graham again. I tried to comment earlier, but had trouble. As I said, I think my mouse is worn out!
Oh this is wonderful!!!! I had never heard this before. Thank you so very much for posting this.
I've got to copy and print this out!!!
hi saijja...
you rem this post? http://saija.blogspot.com/2007/01/proverb.html
hey th bible verse there, which edition of th bible did you take it from?
i used it for preparing a worship order for our youth service... but now i know ill get screwed if someone actually asks me this question... so if ya see it immediately, pls reply... if possible, reply at my blog...
anyway, th verse perfectly fit th theme... so thanks for putting that there.. God bless
cathy ... sometimes blogger is out too ... and i SO love ruth's writings ... they speak the same language that i do ... :o)
Susan ... it's a great story ... i'm glad she saved all these bits and pieces, and was able to put in a book!
ab ... posted on your blog ... blessings on your study!
This is wonderful and is a great way to share a timeless message that needs to be heard and repeated. Wonderful!
kathleen ... i like to use these things that remind me - and hopefully bless someone else's heart along the way! hope all is well in your world!
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