random thoughts on chronic pain and life issues ... with the occasional weather report thrown in!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
everyone gets the blues sometimes ...
I awoke heavy ... and heavy I prayed, face in the sun, heart in the shade. As smoke hangs low on a sullen day, my prayer hung there ... till I heard His voice, "This is the day that the Lord hath made; ... Rejoice ...!"
Yes Saija, everyone does get blue sometimes -- Ruth Graham is and was a great testimony of real people -- and we all are testimonies of God's Grace and U are too Saija --- Your a blessing to me and U don't even know that -- so press on , the best is yet to come for the Lord has promised that -- HEAVEN and HIS PRESENCE is way beyond all that we can imagine --
passing-thru ... "real people" ... that is a wonderful way to describe Ruth Graham ... we are re-reading her book "Legacy of a Pack Rat", which is just like our modern blogs ... it blesses my heart - which has needed some boosting these past days! ... and thank you for your encouragement!
cathy ... indeed, our Hope and Life to come! :o)
tina ... every heart has known its sorrow - and after the sorrow, there is cheer to face tomorrow ... just made that up ... :o) ... blessings on ya!
I really appreciate your poem by Ruth Graham... she was a blessing to America just as Billy Graham was.. after all she was the woman behind the man of God. P.S. thanks for visiting my Blog yesterday.. I hope your husband finds some relief from his pain.
What a special lady! A gracious woman always, I'm sure. Pastor's wives tend to be that way..don't they, =). btw, I've nominated your blog for a special award. Come by and see when you have time. You don't have to participate if you'd rather not..I understand. Hope you are having a good Monday, I'm thinking of you and asking God to bless you & your hubby.
Blessings on your days and nights, Saija, in your new life--and the adjustments you are making.,, may you feel and know all the extra grace which is there for you. And all prayers for healing and comfort and good wishes for Leo, too.... Debra
antibk ... i just got another copy of it - the pictures are soooo lovely and the poems relateable! i'm glad that Ruth let her trials show as well as her praise moments ...
david ... God is certainly giving you the words, even through your trials ... may they bless all who stop by to read them ...
Susan ... thank you! ... that was so sweet of you to do that ... there are so many uplifting, Christ-filled blogs out there - aren't we just blessed? :o)
mimi ... Ruth's writing has always touched a chord in me ... when she died in June, i felt like there was a loss in my own family - though heaven is rapidly getting filled with folks i know or know of - it will be a happy homecoming one day!
maggie ann ... thank you for encouraging me ... that was so sweet ... but then again, that's you! you can't help it! :o)
michael ... i've had the pic saved for a while, but thought it flowed with the poem ... hope all is well in your world!!! cutting lots of firewood?
mari ... i've always admired her too ... she encourages the weary traveller, doesn't she?
debra ... thank you for that ... and may your house sell really quickly & to folks who will love it like you have!
Yes Saija, everyone does get blue sometimes -- Ruth Graham is and was a great testimony of real people -- and we all are testimonies of God's Grace and U are too Saija ---
Your a blessing to me and U don't even know that -- so press on , the best is yet to come for the Lord has promised that --
HEAVEN and HIS PRESENCE is way beyond all that we can imagine --
Very nice, Saija. Thanks for posting one of her poems. We do get the blues, but He is our hope.
Those discriptions fit some days so perfectly...but so does His admonition! Thank you for the reminder...this is one to hang by my desk for sure!
passing-thru ... "real people" ... that is a wonderful way to describe Ruth Graham ... we are re-reading her book "Legacy of a Pack Rat", which is just like our modern blogs ... it blesses my heart - which has needed some boosting these past days! ... and thank you for your encouragement!
cathy ... indeed, our Hope and Life to come! :o)
tina ... every heart has known its sorrow - and after the sorrow, there is cheer to face tomorrow ... just made that up ... :o) ... blessings on ya!
And I just re-read Sitting by my Laughing Fire--loved, loeved her poetry!
As always, I was blessed by your post. Please check out my poem on Pilgrim Pals.
Lots of love,
All my best to Leo!
Saija I just passed an Award on to you. Please drop by and check it out.
I really appreciate your poem by Ruth Graham... she was a blessing to America just as Billy Graham was.. after all she was the woman behind the man of God.
P.S. thanks for visiting my Blog yesterday.. I hope your husband finds some relief from his pain.
What a special lady! A gracious woman always, I'm sure. Pastor's wives tend to be that way..don't they, =). btw, I've nominated your blog for a special award. Come by and see when you have time. You don't have to participate if you'd rather not..I understand. Hope you are having a good Monday, I'm thinking of you and asking God to bless you & your hubby.
Stunning picture.
Take Care
What a beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing the poem by Ruth Graham. I have always admired her.
Blessings on your days and nights, Saija, in your new life--and the adjustments you are making.,, may you feel and know all the extra grace which is there for you. And all prayers for healing and comfort and good wishes for Leo, too.... Debra
antibk ... i just got another copy of it - the pictures are soooo lovely and the poems relateable! i'm glad that Ruth let her trials show as well as her praise moments ...
david ... God is certainly giving you the words, even through your trials ... may they bless all who stop by to read them ...
Susan ... thank you! ... that was so sweet of you to do that ... there are so many uplifting, Christ-filled blogs out there - aren't we just blessed? :o)
mimi ... Ruth's writing has always touched a chord in me ... when she died in June, i felt like there was a loss in my own family - though heaven is rapidly getting filled with folks i know or know of - it will be a happy homecoming one day!
maggie ann ... thank you for encouraging me ... that was so sweet ... but then again, that's you! you can't help it! :o)
michael ... i've had the pic saved for a while, but thought it flowed with the poem ... hope all is well in your world!!! cutting lots of firewood?
mari ... i've always admired her too ... she encourages the weary traveller, doesn't she?
debra ... thank you for that ... and may your house sell really quickly & to folks who will love it like you have!
Thanks for visiting my blog..and I can tell that yours is going to be a MUST read too.....
This post was so so good....if you only knew...
Deby ... isn't it wonderful that God knows our hearts & our hearts needs ... blessing to you as you continue serving Him!
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