this is the book we are reading at the moment ... Joseph Stowell's "The UPSIDE of DOWN" ...
we are really enjoying it!
here are some passages i've underlined along the way:
page 52: God's justice guarantees that ultimately all that is unfair will be dealt with. We are naive to assume that all of life in its fallen conditon will be fair and just. It is only safe to realize that God is just and that in His time and in His own way He will deal with both the injustice and those who have been unjust.
page 59: God rarely fills out the why section of the questionnaire we send to Him when trouble enters our lives.
page 70: Note the difference between punishment and discipline. Punishment is justice. Discipline is corrective. ... We are not in double jeopardy. Every sin that I have committed or will commit or am committing has been punished. Justice was meted out at the cross. But the corrective discipline of God comes along with sovereign nudges that inflict just enough pressure to alert me to the problem and to get me back on the track of righteousness.
i am finding it encouraging and practical ...
This looks like a really good book - I like the parts you wrote about and it sounds like it answers some of the questions we have about why things don't always seem "fair". I may look for it around here. Thanks for the book review.
Encouraging and practical--that just sounds like Stowell. I enjoy his writing. I'm glad he was on the radio, because now when I read his stuff I can hear how I think he would have said it.
Sounds like a very good book! Thanks for sharing the encouraging quotes!! I really liked the first two, with where I am right now in life!! Good reminder of what we can look forward to in the life to come!! (Remembering how God hates partiality!)
page 59: God rarely fills out the why section of the questionnaire we send to Him when trouble enters our lives.
I read years ago (when I was a teenager) a book called The Day Chrisit was Crucified. In it the auther said: The question "Why?" is the one question God will never answer. He didn't even answer our Christ on the Cross when he said, "Father, why hast thou forsaken me?". I have never forgotten this and remind myself any and every time I begin to ask "Why?".
What an encouraging book... I think the difference between Punishment and Discipline is interesting...we have to be disciplined quite often....
thanks for this great book report...
Sooooo good. I especially love the first quote...living in a "fair" society makes me see how unfair it really is, and causes me to trust in the sovereign God who will make all things fair to His glory one day. In the meantime, we soldier on claiming His promises and His unfailing grace!!
That does sound like a good book, Mimi. It is great that ya'll read together. :o)
WOW...these are good..thank you for sharing them...
hey guys! yes, this book is really good! we only read a few pages at a time ... stopping to talk about the contents ... i stop to underline stuff ... and even though we already know so much of what is written here, joe stowell gives food for thought with the way he shares passages and God's working in the lives of believers ... hope you get a chance to read it ... it won't disappoint ... BLESSINGS!
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