it's been snowing here for about a week now ... not heavy ... it started as light, soft, snowflakes ... now the consistency is more like icing sugar ... the temperature is hovering around 0F ... and will only get colder towards the end of the week ...
we have had very little sunshine ... the prairies are known for sunshine - so most of us prairie folk are feeling deprived of those golden rays ... it makes for meloncholy mood swings ...
the book that i talked about in the previous post, is a perfect read for these days ... personally, we seem to be up against trials, both small & large ... trials that want to trip us up ... just to see how hard the fall will be! not even a thought of IF we fall - but WHEN ...
we are trying to "tick the joy column" in our choice of how to respond ... not that we're happy about the car not starting this morning ... or leo & my sister maria both feeling horrible because of the weather ... or even the family tug of war about getting together at christmas (where? who? what? and why can't you drive 60 miles!) ... but happy comes and goes with the weather or full tummies or a good book ... the attitude of counting everthing JOY, comes with spiritual maturity ...
we have much to learn yet ... so we try to take life one step at a time, in faith, trusting Jesus (the Author and Finisher of our faith) ... no one said it was all going to be easy ... but then, nothing worthwhile ever is ...
blessings to you ...
Hi Saija - that sounds pretty cold! It is around freezing here, but no snow right now. It is a bit of a downer when you don't see the sun, but you are right. Life has it's ups and downs and we can't get our hapiness from it. We need to look to The Son for that!
Dear Saija,
I know it is depressing with no sun! And it is way too cold for me. You're not going to fall, you have the one who holds you up and is the lifter of our heads. :o) Hugs and love ~
Keep reading your book and having happy sun shiney thoughts...
God is there waiting to give you joy...
of course the cold weather doesn't help...
it has not been cold enough here for me to wear my thanksgiving sweater... so I cranked the air conditioning down and wore it today to work!!!
I don't know if I am bragging or complaining... I like for the weather to be a little colder... but now as cold as it is at your house
Did you build a snowman?
Dull dreary days make the sunny ones more special. Winter is a darker time, but the snow gives off some sense of brightness. We have rain tonight.. no snow yet
At first when I read "he temperature is hovering around 0F", I was all what is "of"? Hehehe, then I realized you wrote zero fahrenheit. I'm so silly. :)
Even though you're having a tough time with stuff, it sounds like you're holding fast to the Lord's peace. But then you always seem to...
mari ... ya, i like SONshine! :o)
cathy ... i'm glad HE catches us ... i will feel better once my car gets going again (not that it goes far from the garage these days!)
mimi ... i wouldn't mind the snow for 6 or 8 weeks ... but we get it for about 5 months, so at the end of that time it's LONG ... i know there is all that talk about global warming, but we haven't seen much of it yet ... :o?
nancy ... soon it will be the shortest day - then the days start getting longer ... i'm glad that God has made "laws" for nature too!
jj ... silly girl! or more accurate, silly me for not making it clearer! let's see if anyone else notices ... :o)
I always appreciate you honesty!!!
Susan ... :o) ... good news - the battery in our car was faulty and we got a new one ... hopefully it'll crank up the old auto in the cold!
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