Wednesday, November 17, 2004

mid week rambling

we are experiencing absolutely lovely weather for mid november ... i mean the down right balmy stuff, 10C (50F)!!!! it is so "warm" that i feel guilty sitting at my computer, i should be outside doing yard work, taking walks, just relishing the last lovely days before the cold winds of a prairie winter decide to blow . . . winter is the time i surf the net and feel cozy in my cyber world, without feeling too much guilt at the time it takes . . .

this mild weather even had me up 2 hours before my normal time, drinking coffee and reading blogs . . .

blogs fascinate me . . . there are so many views presented, on so many issues . . . we are all in different places in life, with varying life experiences ... and the use of blogs from journals to political statements to sermonettes connects the reader to the author of the blog, in a personal way . . . before we even say "hello", i’m so and so, we have already connected on some issue . . . really too cool . . . i’m glad to be living in this age . . . and of course, i have my regular blogs that i read (need to put in the sidebar . . . soon!), and feel a need to check up on . . .

but you know, this instant sharing of information happens in a small town too . . . last week i walked out of the bank with another lady, and commented on how after 12 years of walking in and out of this bank - i still managed to try and walk through the door they leave locked!!!! . . . she said she was glad it happens to "young" people too, not just old people like her . . . now this is the silly part, i always feel compelled to state my age when someone says "young" to me - i should just feel flattered and let it go - but i feel i earned my "mature" status so i blurt out that i’m 50 . . . well from there it went to how old her kids were, that she had just left a home of 51 years to move into a seniors residence and wasn’t happy about it, how old she was, we talked health issues . . . and that was in probably a minute and a half . . . talk about "high speed connection" on the sideways of small town Canada . . . but we connected . . .

nothing profound to write this morning ... profound was the stuff i wanted to write yesterday but didn’t get a chance because of the nice weather and then my laziness and just surfing the net . . .

well this felt like a good ramble . . . the fog has dissipated, my coffee cup is empty and L needs his pills shortly, so i’ll go wake him for that . . .

Lord bless your day . . . however YOU may be . . .

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