Wednesday, November 10, 2004

too unique?

we all want to be unique, special, one of a kind . . . and in God’s eyes, the bible tells us we are . . . but does anyone want to be "too unique"?

let me try to explain my morning thought here . . .

every winter i do searches on the internet for Spinal Arachnoiditis - WITH INTRACTABLE PAIN . . . this is what L has and what we live with . . . he isn’t the only one with this cruel condition, tho’ at times it feels like it . . . so i do searches to see if any new meds have popped up, any new research or new gadgets to help with pain (the TENS has been the best "gadget" we’ve seen in 18 years) . . . any help what-so-ever . . . but with a slow telephone modem (here in the canadian boonies high speed isn’t available yet) it takes awhile to get from site to site . . .

this summer i started doing searches for bloggers who are believers and who are either caregivers or inflicted themselves with chronic pain . . . i’ve yet to find a site like that . . . it was another reason to start my own blog, to see if someone like that would find me . . .

i don’t want anyone else to suffer like L does, or have to watch a loved one deal with problems that don’t have any easy answers to them . . . at the same time the burden would be lighter, if there was someone to share it with . . . paradox . . .

so this morning, tho’ i am happy to be a one of a kind child of God, i don’t want to be too unique . . .

1 comment:

Pilot Mom said...

Hi Saija! I have linked to you through a series of posts beginning with Becky at Faith Expedition. It's nice to meet you. I've gone back, as you can see, to some of your early posts so I can get to know you. I hope you don't mind.

I, too, am a caregiver. In 1999, my parents moved here to live with my husband and myself. Since then, my father has died and so it is just my mother. She is 88, soon to be 89 this summer, and is quite crippled with osteo-arthritis, rhuematoid arthritis, and polymyalgia (sp?). I can leave her for short periods but not for long times without having someone here with her. I do understand some of the issues you are dealing with on a day to day basis. Isn't it wonderful that our Lord supplies us with the grace and energy to 'keep on keeping on'? Some days I think I will lose my mind and, yet, at those moments, He reaches down and supplies me with whatever I need at that moment! I am so grateful for His faithfulness! Anyway, I will be back for regular visits! I enjoy your blog.

I see from your more current post that you are beginning work again. God bless you and your hubby as you are apart. Blessings and joy to you....