it's been 4 months now since our fearless feline died ... and just this past week, we have been thinking about maybe getting another one ... but just thinking ... we don't know if we want to have our hearts broken again ... our fearless feline was the most unique, loveable cat we had ever owned (if one "owns" a cat?) ... and we still miss him terribly ...
Cat lovers can readily be identified. Their clothes always look old and well used. Their sheets look like bath towels and their bath towels look like a collection of knitting mistakes. ~Eric Gurney
We have a cat so I know what you mean - they are all unique and I will really miss ours when she is gone.
we had a beautiful white cat while our girls were growing up... and we loved him... once he was gone we went quite a while without a pet...
then we finally got a dog... now we have two dogs...somehow they seem to grow on you...I would say take the plunge and get another one... they give such loving comfort when you are blue...and they say that they improve the health and ease the pain of their owners (especially Cats)
Pets have a way of delighting the heart of the owners. Go for it & get another cat....
to go with that quote...
and their home's carpet looks like a fur coat... :)
A few years back, I lost the cat that I'd had for almost 12 years (raised him from a kitten). I was heartbroken.
However, the house was far too quiet. So, three weeks after losing my cat, I rescued two kittens from my local Humane Society and they have brought me a lot of joy.
I put together a photo album for the cat that I lost, so I will never forget him, but I'm having a ball with the two that I adopted.
People grieve a different stages (this is true both for humans and animals). Only you will know when the time is right to get another cat (if ever).
Good luck with your decision.
The cat owner definition was toooooooo funny! And true!
I think if I ever give in to the urge to get another cat I may go rescue one. I want a lover cat not one that uses my house as an occasional hotel.
LOL... What a great cartoon!! How many times have I said that???
You gave so much love and a wonderful home to your beloved pet, and you'll be ready soon to give again to another lucky kitty. (((Hugs)))
As a petlover myself..I know how it is to lose one.....I just can't imagine a home without a furry friend...although sometimes it just takes time or you think...I can't do this again. Pray...the Lord will show you.
Hi Saija! Long time since I've commented but I enjoy reading your blog so much.
I say "go for it" also! Hubby and I have 3 dogs and 4 cats! And the cats are all indoor cats. We used to show and breed purebred Birman cats (very few litters though) for about 10 years, and the 4 we have are left from our showing days. We love them so much!
Find a kitten which has been loved and handled since it was born; that usually makes a big difference in how cuddly and friendly it will be.
Hugs and prayers,
mari ... i know leo misses our kitty even more than i do ... they were inseparable ...
mimi ... yes, cats are supposed to lower ones blood pressure ... i know our cats have all been smile makers anyway!
nancy ... leo wants another BLACK cat (we've had 3 black ones in, plus other variations), i guess because our fearless feline was the blackest, sleakest of all ...
jeanette ... wish i lived close enough to cat sit your brood!
goldwings ... i think we are starting to get out of the grieving period now ... and we both LOVE the antics of kittens ... soooo? hmmmmm?
tina ... we kept our last 2 cats as strictly indoor ... plus fixed right away ... i think that helped make them loveable ...
rita ... at the cottage, the cats were allowed into the screened porch - but we would be at the sliding door, doing the in? out? thing with them!!!
Deby ... on the one side, my housework is cut down 75% ... but i still miss the purring & cuddling with a cat!
maureen ... hope you have been well!!! re numbers, in our hay day, we had 2 cats, 2 dogs ... that was fun! but now that we are in condo central, i think we would keep it down to one indoor cat ... and a neutered male one at that ... i find the males are usually more cuddly than the females ... blessings to you!
Try to find a Maine Coon cat..they are so lovely and friendly. our cat Lucy that we lost was one. i would dearly love to have another one like her someday!! She was the sweetest cat!! I miss her to this day!! We got another cat after her. Annie is here now!! I know you will Love another cat!! i say get one!! Blessings, SAndy
There are always the ones to rescue..that is what we do!!!
Some animals are definitely more unique than others. Our old dog who is over 13 now, is definitely one of those and we already DREAD the day she leaves us. Main reason hubby says no more dogs after she is gone...we understand how you feel! It is just too hard to give them up!
We don't have a cat...but sometimes wish we did. Mom ALWAYS did!, and so I got to enjoy the best parts of her kitty without the bad parts like when she threw up and made messes. One summer we did have a batch of cats...someone dropped off an expecting mama. She had her babies on our back porch...our daughter kept one...and that was the most fun summer of our life. Then a tom...did him in..we think...for he was just gone. Caring has a price though...but where would we be if no one cared for us...hmmmm. My husband is not an animal lover...so that settles it for us, rather abruptly...that rascal! He did offer to bring home a dog one time....sight unseen, by me. That was a quick 'no'. =) sigh...
Hi Saija.... Oh I know how you feel.... But I like to see it two ways: 1.) Cats are incredible company while they are here and they help us realize each day is a gift (a fleeting gift), and they even help us feel better, calmer, and 2.) If you get a cat from a shelter, then you are rescuing it from either possible death or perhaps a hard life someplace else. And that way, *you* become the gift to the cat.
At least, that's how I see it. :) Blessings, Debra
Sandy ... i have put out the word, here in our little town ... we'll see if we end up expanding our litle family? :o)
elizabeth ... my mom is going to put down her little lap dog/companion next week ... will be sad for sure!
maggie ann ...leo is a cat person - he tolerates dogs, but loves cats ... and i basically love all kinds of critters, so i'm fine with anything - or nothing ... too easy going, eh?
debra ... loved the pics you posted of your faithful companions ... and our fearless feline was a "child of divorce", we saved him from the humane society ...
Sadly, I've always been allergic to cats, but they are adorable!! I'm sorry for your loss, but hope you'll maybe consider bringing another feline blessing into your home.
In short, get a new kitty. You need one. They're such a little nuisance, but oh how they capture your hearts!
First things first: Happy (belated) anniversary!!!
Last year when my beloved princess Gira, my first and best dog, died when she was almost 14 years old, the new rascal Pepe moved in only about one month later. And I'm saying it's the best decision we could've made! He has filled the empty spot - not being a "replacement" but himself: Totally different from princess Gira, but a small package of joy and fun. He gave us laughter where without him we'd been missing G and feeling sad. To tell you the truth - I don't know if I could've coped the loss of G without Pepe...
Yes, I'm horrified about the idea of losing the next dog - probably Old Lady and very soon, too - but I try not to think about it until the time comes. After all, the joy from the beloved pet still conquers the sadness of losing him/her.
So... GET ANOTHER CAT ! (Or a dog...? grin)
vicki ... awww, i'm sorry ... i know others that are allergic too ... it does save on the decision of "should i? or shouldn't i?" ... blessings to you!
antibk ... *chuckling* ... you just wanna make sure i have a more housework to do - since i have slacked off lately! ... they are fun to watch ... and i have put the word out ... there are no shelters around these parts, so it's basically knowing which farm cat is having a litter!
eija ... the main reason we held off getting one right away was because we thought we might take some car trips - but with leo's health not being very good, that didn't happen ... so maybe we should move ahead with getting a cat - and liven up the old homestead here!!! leo is a cat person and cats do well in condos (plus no walking them in -40C weather!) ... thanks for sharing!
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