leo is feeling SO MUCH better ... we are truly humbled by your encouragement and prayer on our behalf ... thank you so much!
this pic was taken this evening, we were sitting in the hospital arboretum for a little while ... leo is still getting antibiotics (via IV), but we are hopeful that he can come home tomorrow ...
we are just plain thankful that everything fell into the proper place, at the proper time ... and we appreciate our home life so much more after having this little bump along the way!
may the Lord bless you guys - the way you have blessed us!
2 Corinthians 1:11: as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.
Lord Bless U and Leo
The Lord is Good and we trust your days will get better -
I'm glad he's feeling better. It's always scary to see the one you love sick to that degree. I love the view from his hospital room, with those beautiful deer.
I am glad to see a picture of Leo. I'm sure you've posted them before but since I am a new reader of your blog I had never "meet" him. Always makes it better to put a real picture in our mind and heart.
Just checking in. Glad to hear that Leo is improving.
Oh, thank you Saija, for the picture of Leo. He looks good, but all the machines sure don't. I'm glad he is feeling better, and I hope he can go home tomorrow to see his new little kitty. :-) Have you two thought of a name yet? Guess it takes awhile to discover his nature or whether it is a he or she. You two are still in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sure glad Leo got to go out of the room!
PS I should not have said that about the machine, because we know it is helping him. They are miraculous, but sometimes scary to us. :-) Also, you wrote that last night, so I hope he is home today!
He looks like he's ready to come home! I'm glad he's feeling so much better already. I hope he's home by the time you read this!
So glad to see Leo with a smile on his face... must certainly mean that he is feeling better (a definite answer to prayer) hope he is able to go home on schedule...
that view from his hospital room is so beautiful, it must have helped to relax his as he was sitting hooked to to all of the tubes and machines...I continue to pray for both of you as you continue to give him your loving care.
Leo, so nice to finally meet you!! I will continue to pray for you!! Take care..Sandy
Keep us updated please! Praise the Lord he's feeling better!
God bless you,
My prayers join with many others for both you and Leo. I am encouraged to read that the antibiotics are helping Leo feel much better. I hope he is at home now just enjoying the comfort of the new kitty that is waiting for him. Let us know what you name your new kitty when you both decide. Saija, you have been such an encouragement to so many of us who read your blog. I continue to pray that God will give you strength and comfort,even as you deal long term with Leo's medical issues. Hugs to both you and Leo.
I am hoping that as I read this, Leo is home. I'll keep praying that the antibiotics are working well and Leo is feeling much improved! I'll be praying for you too.
leo got home late this afternoon - and i can't thank you all enough for your prayers ... we're hoping something postive - healthwise - comes out of this!
our "yet to be named" kitty was all cuddly with leo this evening ... tho' he (the kitty!) is on my lap as i type this - he likes the computer!
i'm happy leo gets to sleep in his own bed - and just be back at HOME!!! thank you Lord!
nite nite ... from the manitoba prairies ...
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