well look at these cherry tomatoes that came up all by themselves!! they grew by the side of our condo ... so i just let them ... *smile* ...
i know they are green, but there was a frost warning ... so i took some inside and wrapped them in newspaper to let them ripen ...
isn't that the neatest thing how God does stuff like that? i never knew that tomatoes just came up like that!
Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there.
~Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, 1732
Amazing. They are so pretty even green... Your garden reminds me of the gift that keeps on giving! Blessings!
Oh, what fun!
I had a surprise blueberry plant that popped up in a pot of geraniums. Never did figure out where that came from. I'd had the geraniums for years, I figure a bird must have dropped off a seed or something?
either a bird did it or someone had a few vegetables where the flowers grow at one time...but you are the one who gets to reap the pleasure of enjoyment....
you just never know when God is going to provide a little extra pleasure for you do you?
Great find!!!!
Hi Saija,
I want to plant some cherry tomato plants for my kids to enjoy. I will have to ask the Strata company for permission, so while I'm at it I must just ask if I can use a little area under my lounge window for a small vege patch. No-one goes around there so there should be no arguments.
Back online now
Take care
How neat! God blesses us in little ways that we don't expect but they bring us such joy! May we always rejoice in the unexpected gifts He provides!!
antibk ... yes, God's gift is so bountiful ... all nature reminds us of His grace!
jeanette ... so did you eat blueberries off of it? that is cool!
mimi ... He constantly reminds me that He will provide ... and He findds my smile, when i've thought that i'd lost it! :o)
gavin ... glad you're back online ... i enjoyed the pics of your children ... looks like you had a really lovely outing with them!
pat ... Amen! most days i feel quite blessed!
How wonderful!! He also grows those seeds in us that others have planted that we were not even aware of.
Don't you love those kinds of surprises? We have flowers that did that last year. We didn't plant more, but they must have self seeded and came up anyway!
what a blessing...God is so good..
When the flowers started coming up at this place in the spring, it reminded me of grace. Totally unmerited: I did nothing to deserve the work of another and yet I was truly blessed.
Susan ... that is a wonderful analogy!
mari ... i'm hoping for the same blessing for next year! :o) ... aren't i the greedy one!
Deby ... isn't HE tho'?!!!!!
tina ... amen, totally unmerited - that is exactly my thoughts when i saw all the bounty of the little garden!
Dear Saija,
I just love God, being able do make little everyday wonders like your tomatoes. Somewhere in the Bible is a word, you shall reap where you did not sow.A really thanksgiving blessing.
Every autumn I have Karel Capek's word from his book "The Gardener's Year (written in 1929) in mind.
In Norwegian in opens about like this: "The spring begins in the fall."
I therefore already have bought 200 flower bulbs, some manure and 3 sacks of good plant soil.
Whenever I have some spare energy, and the weather isn't too wet, I'll pop into my garden and plant and make the garden ready for next spring. Some years I haven't finished until the end of February. My mother, 82, is already done with her work, and her garden is one acre and a half!
What joy she has passed on to me, what knowledge and source of rewarded work. We a kind of eremites and keep a over 2 meters high hedge around our land. Our garden is not for display, mere for relaxing and...joy.
Hope you both will have a good weekend.
Yours Felisol
Hi Saija
It is late here in Southern Ontario but I just wanted to tell you that Pilot-dad Jim is feeling quite under the weather again and just wondering if you and Leo can pray for him?
I have put Claire's post over at the Pilgrim Pals Saija....Thanks so much... Love to you and Leo..Terry
We always called 'free' tomato plants 'volunteers' ... Susan's analogy is so true ... Did you start your winter job at the Library? Hoping you enjoy the new adventure.
Saija, love your picture! I did not know tomato plants just came up like that. I believe God just gave you another special gift, like the flowers. :o) I'm wondering about how the job is going too.
How special!! I have seen other plants just come up like that but never tomatoes!! God sent to you and Leo especially!! Sandy
I had that happen with flowers before to and they were the prettiest of all. God is soooo good to us in so many ways. Ya gotta love HIM....
felisol ... what a gardner you are! thank you for sharing that ... i'm sorry i missed out so many years of "gardening fun" ... but it is never too late to start! :o) ... our season is a short one - but it's been memorable for me!
terry ... i'm praying - thanks for the info ...
mrs. mac ... and what wonderful volunteers they are!! *grin* ... i start my library job on tuesday ... it will be a long day as i work in the evening as well ... looking forward to it tho'!
cathy ... God's gifts are always so cool & most times unexpected too! :o) ... the library job starts on tuesday ... my ole brain will have to be learning new stuff!
Sandy ... and cherry tomatoes at that! i love them the best!
nancy ... i feel so bad for folks who don't realize how good God is - and how he individualizes everything for EACH of His children!
Oh yes! It's just a little blueberry, so it only gives about 10-15 blueberries a year. Some are tart, some are sweet, but they're all fun! :)
What a special gift! =)
jeanette ... that is so cool!
maggie ann ... i was so touched by it ... and they are really yummy too!
That is so cool! I still miss the vegetable garden my mom had in our back yard in Moose Jaw. She grew everything imaginable there, even strawberries, rhubarb, and pumpkins in addition to the veggies, and it was wonderful. Enjoy!
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