this morning i was reading Titus ... i'll leave the following verses with you - they spoke to my heart of a day that will be coming soon ... i want others to get on board that salvation train - the ticket is still free - by asking Jesus to forgive our sins and accepting Him as Lord and Savior, by faith ... but it won't always be that way ... that thought is very sobering to me ...
"For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeard to all men. It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldy passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope - the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good." Titus 2: 11-14 (NIV)
since squeaky was purring I guess that means that all is forgiven...glad he didn't hold a grudge against you for making him get a shot in the fanny :-)
but for the "grace of God" we would all be lost !!!
Squeaks looks so cute by the window - our cat loves to sit and look out too. The flowers are so pretty - an extra blessing this time of year!
How beautiful your flowers still look. Usually by the end of October our flowers are just a memory around here!
Great verse - oh how wonderful is the grace of God!
Another lovely post, dear, Saija. I'm glad you still have time to do them! So your little rambunctious kitty is back. God is blessing you so with those gorgeous flowers! Yes, time is short, and we do need to be spreading the good news of God's gift of salvation.
i'm so glad squeaks is doing better, looks like he's forgiven you for the undignified poking? :)
i'm glad your fall is so beautiful this year, thank you for sharing it with us.
Here in the Southeastern USA we can plant pansies in the wintertime. Moving from Illinois that really amazed me!! Yours are beautiful and my favorite color too. If you have the time stop by my blog and see what i have been doing this afternoon.
mimi ... *grin*, he didn't hold a grudge! poor little guy ... tho' lets see what he thinks about his December trip!
mari ... it's his morning ritual, to watch the folks going to work or school, usually he just lays down and watches the sunrise ... i guess he is pretty peaceful for a kitten!
pat ... i have been blessed right down to my socks with the flowers here!!! i've had something blooming for 6 months, which is really unheard of here too ... but i'll take it - just like the grace of God - FREE to one and all!!!
cathy ... yes, my blogging time seems to have been cut down lately - and i even debate sometimes whether i should stop blogging - but then someone says something that encourages me to blog on, for awhile more! blessings to you!
Sandy ... WOW! you are a sweet grandmother to so patiently help Madison with learngin to sew ... looked like a lot of fun!
Lovely post.
I'm glad he's not holding a grudge! I bet he'll never look at his cat carrier the same way again, or willingly get into it, though. :)
Susan ... :o) ... blessings on your week!
catherine ... we were a little worried about that too - but leo played with squeaks around the carrier - and got him to go in and out of it - so we should be good for atleast another visit!!!
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