last week it was all about books & computers ... a learning curve ...
then my off hours were all about home, family and friends ... it has been quite busy in my little world!
today it was a library meeting and tomorrow will be my ALL day (including evening) at the library! leo and our little kitty are missing me - but i keep telling them that once we get into a routine, it will be better!
life is like that, isn't it? feast or famine ... and blessed is the person who can actually balance it all properly!
my sister maria is stable again - thank you for praying - her health has been poor for many years now, but there are varying degrees to it ... for those of you who live with chronic care loved ones, you will know what i mean ...
leo seems to be in a "healthier" mode too ... which is always a relief to me!
as for me - i went from an easy pace, to a steady working pace ...
well i best go read the paper, before it becomes old news (which will only take seconds in our world of instant, high speed, info!) ...
blessings to one and all who happen drop by this site!
I am so happy for you that all is going well with the Chronically ill ones... I pray that they will continue to have more good days than bad... and that you are able to get the full enjoyment out of your library job....
Many Blessings to you!!
You sound so happy!! you must love your job. i can understand about feast or famine!! That is the way it is with my job at Curves!! I either have a lot of hours or hardly any at all. Glad leo is better.
SO glad to hear your sister is stable again! That's wonderful news. I'll keep her in my prayers, as well as you and Leo.
I hope you're getting all settled in at your new job. I know you'll be a blessing to your co-workers and visitors alike!
Saija.. Thank you for stooping by my blog :)... yes my first name is Hilma... I was named after my Dad's basses wife at the time I was born... I have never really liked it but it was the name I was given... and I live with it :)
It's good to read about the "stability" in your life...and there's a hint of joy inbetween those lines as well!
I'm so happy life is going smoothly and you are enjoying your job. Those all recieve a thank you Lord from me!
Blessing back at ya sister! Sounds like God's got it all under control!
Love the photo of the librarian! Glad things are humming along at the moment.
Good to hear you like the job and life is settling in. Praise God that Leo is feeling up and praises for your sister also.
mimi ... yes, it is good to enjoy the good things when they come my way! :o)
Sandy ... the job is fun - and once it becomes routine, i think it will help the winter to pass by pleasantly!
catherine ... you are way too kind! and i just loved that postcard you sent, went on my fridge - then it'll go into my postcard collection!
hilmarose ... hilma is such a sweet name ... you don't hear it often anymore ...
tina ... joy? yes! :o) ... tho' i can feel that yearning for solitude and books to READ, now that i am actually breathing the rarified library air all the time!
mari ... tomorrow is a day off - then i work thursday afternoon, then 4 days off ... i think can get used to a routine like that!
pat ... blessings backatcha, it sounds like you got a nice little break there too!
antbk ... hope the fires aren't affecting you guys ... that must definitely be scary ...
nancy ... is God is definitely deserving of our Praise! :o)
Thinking of you and stopping by to see how things are going...=)
Dear Saija,
time to praise, isn't it?
I am so happy for you all. That Leo has a good period, oh, may it last long, long.
And you with the dream, cream job.
You have deserved it and that's why you've got it.
You kept the faith in the dark tunnel, now we're chiming hallelujah.
If your having a quiet moment at the library, you might look up the finish poet J.L. Runeberg's mighty epos about the Farmer Paavo.
My father knew it by heart and would recite it with tears in his eyes.
It's all about being tried and not give in.
Bonden Paavo
Högt bland Saarijärvis moar bodde
bonden Paavo på ett frostigt hemman,
skötande dess jord med trägna armar;
men av herren väntade han växten.
Och han bodde där med barn och maka,
åt i svett sitt knappa bröd med dessa,
grävde diken, plöjde opp och sådde.
Våren kom, och drivan smalt av tegen,
och med den flöt hälften bort av brodden;
sommarn kom, och fram bröt hagelskuren,
och av den slogs hälften ned av axen;
hösten kom och kölden tog vad övrigt.
Paavos maka slet sitt hår och sade:
Paavo, Paavo, olycksfödde gubbe!
Tagom staven, Gud har oss förskjutit;
svårt är tigga, men att svälta värre.
Paavo tog sin hustrus hand och sade:
Herren prövar blott, han ej förskjuter.
Blanda du till hälften bark i brödet,
jag skall gräva dubbelt flera diken,
men av Herren vill jag vänta växten.
Hustrun lade hälften bark i brödet,
gubben grävde dubbelt flera diken,
sålde fåren, köpte råg och sådde.
Våren kom, och drivan smalt av tegen,
men med den flöt intet bort av brodden.
Sommarn kom, och fram bröt hagelskuren,
men av den slogs hälften ned av axen.
Hösten kom, och kölden tog vad övrigt.
Paavos maka slog sitt bröst och sade:
Paavo, Paavo, olycksfödde gubbe!
Låt oss dö, ty Gud har oss förskjutit;
svår är döden, men att leva, värre.
Paavo tog sin hustrus hand och sade:
Herren prövar blott, han ej förskjuter.
Blanda du till dubbelt bark i brödet,
jag vill gräva dubbelt större diken,
men av Herren vill jag vänta växten.
Hustrun lade dubbelt bark i brödet,
gubben grävde dubbelt större diken,
sålde korna, köpte råg och sådde.
Våren kom, och drivan smalt av tegen,
men av den flöt intet bort av brodden.
Sommarn kom, och fram bröt hagelskuren,
men av den slogs intet ned av axen.
Hösten kom, och kölden, långt från åkern,
lät den stå i guld, och vänta skördarn.
Då föll Paavo på sitt knä, och sade:
Herren prövar blott, han ej förskjuter.
Och hans maka föll på knä och sade:
Herren prövar blott, han ej förskjuter.
Men med glädje sade hon till gubben:
Paavo, Paavo, tag med fröjd till skäran;
nu är tid att leva glada dagar,
nu är tid att kasta barken undan,
och att baka bröd av råg allena.
Paavo tog sin hustrus hand och sade:
Kvinna, kvinna, den blott tål att prövas,
som en nödställd nästa ej förskjuter.
Blanda du till hälften bark i brödet
ty förfrusen är vår grannes åker.
From Felisol
Well, dear, Saija, I tried to leave a comment late last night and obviously failed. Aw, poor Leo and lil kitty missing you. I am glad Leo is feeling better and your sister too. It's great you like your new job. :o)
I am so happy to hear your sister is doing better. That is good news. I hope you have a fabulous week!
God Bless1
maggie ann ... time seems to be going by very quickly again! there are so many things i want to do & people i want to visit & books i want to read ... and that's a good thing? :o) ... life isn't boring that's for!
felisol ... the names are familiar to me - i just haven't read it for myself yet ... thank you for encouraging me to touch base with my fellow countrymen!
cathy ... i do feel bad that leo is missing me ... we made a pact that if he really hates me working (we have the winter to see about this), then i won't go back next winter - only on a temporary/as needed basis - so i think we are all happy with the trial period!
kathleen marie ... hope your week is fabulous too! blessings backatcha!
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