as i headed home from our little town, i wondered at how the scenery is ever changing - though my route remains the same ... today revealed a snow covered shoreline, along a fast moving, troubled water ... there were white caps on the river, as the wind blew in a bitter fashion ... soon those white caps will be frozen in place - for a season ...
these are the same waters that i swim in during the heat of a prairie summer ... swimming was far from my thoughts today, as i tried to coax the cold digi camera to life (it kept on giving me a high pitched shrill sound, like it was in pain!) ... finally after warming the batteries between my hands, it came on ... the product of this effort is posted for you to see ...
along the road ... we think we know exactly what we will see along familiar pathways ... but life is ever changing and presents a new view daily ... there is beauty in everything, it's all in how we look at it ...
Your thoughts here go hand in glove with my devotions this morning.
reinforcing me to think on these things...pondering God's creation in my heart.
Thank you!
So true...well stated! Thanks for sharing the photos too, of course!!
Sometimes we simply have to look HARDER to find good things in each situation...but it is there, if nothing else, simply that HE, the Creator of the Universe, is there beside us!
What a beautiful picture. And lots of sunshine...what a blessing!
I am very thankful that life changes from day to day - even though it can be very difficult at times - it just depends on our view of it! Beautiful picture and post!
I love to read your thoughts. They are calming and reflective. Life certainly is everchanging. And I for one, like to dig in securely and not change....but time demands change and change often brings growth and maturity in the Lord...lots of good things come from....dare I say it?...dying to self.
Saija, I think I am getting like the digital camera, my batteries are running down, especially on cold days. We do need the word to warm us up a bit and make us purr again.
As long as it's not too cold, this is the type of place I like to stop, breathe the fresh air and take in the scenery.
A great picture.
tina ... God does that to me too ... when He is speaking to me about something, or even encouraging me - i seem to bump into the same sentiment, time and again ... :o)
elizabeth ... yes, some blessings are buried deep beneath the snow! but that doesn't mean that they won't one day become visible to us - the SONshine will help us discover all buried treasure!
ginger ... i'm so glad the sun shone yesterday because today we are in the overcast, snowy time ... so it was a good day to appreciate the contrasts!
peg ... our attitude (the thing we can control) is what makes the difference, isn't it? blessings to you!
maggie ann ... the fall/winter are the times when i think of "dying to self" ... God makes it so evident in nature that there are seasons for everything ... even though winter is not my favourite season - there is always SPRING to look forward too! always a blessing to be found!
osray ... me too! after taking that picture yesterday my hands started to complain and ache! they didn't like the cold one bit ... and that is a wonderful idea - the Word warming us up! ya!
fred ... well what is your definition of too cold? last year we a record low of -50C ... yup, you read that right! taking a big breath of fresh air might be hazardous to your health at that point!
How lovely. Now that has put me in a really good mood. Thank you! I like how Lucy Maud Montgomery said it through Anne of Green Gables: "Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it."
Ever changing. Ever new.
MC ... well i am so glad to help out in the good mood department! and thanks for the good quote ... i'll just add an amen!
How true this is. I was musing about this the other day. Though MY path at this time is quite UNFAMILIAR, I still thought I knew a little more of what I was getting into with life in this town. Who I thought I'd be good friends with, how I thought I'd spend my time, what it would look like to be living close to all my good buddies. I knew enough not to get too big of a perfect world thought up in my mind about it but still, there are things that are disappointing but there are also things (and people) that are wonderful suprises.
ya just never know!
And sometimes the scenery changes so fast we just have to stop and look for awhile. That's how I feel right now, anyway. :)
cptnwow ... yup, you just never know what that bend in the road brings ... and just when we have it all figured out, too! with baby on the way, your regular road has different scenery i bet!
jeanette ... i can say amen to that! and your road this year will be brand spanking new! all those firsts to encounter!
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