going to the city, though needful, is an energy drainer ...
i did have a wonderful time visiting ... plus the shopping went well (no crowds) ... but as soon as i got home and unpacked - my batteries felt drained!!! ... i think i should make it an early night ... small town girls and big cities don’t make for restful spirits ...
while in the city i had a chance to visit with an old friend ... you know the special kind ... you can start talking about a concern before your coat is even off your shoulders ... over coffee, we shared burdens and encouraged each other ...
as we talked, i came to the realization that i always had "just enough" grace for any and all needs that crossed my path ... just enough to get me to the place where my feet stood on solid faith once more ... just enough to keep me going, when all i wanted to do was drop in my tracks and refuse to budge ... just enough, to get me out of the valley and onto the mountain top again ...
God doesn’t give us grace for tomorrow’s battles - all we need is grace for the moment we are living in ... so tonight i'm thankful for "just enough" ...
Great post. Hope you get all rested up :o) I'm feeling a little tired tonight myself. My two year old nephew was up all day and I was playing with him pretty much the entire time, though I had to have a little nap for 1/2 hour this afternoon. You'd think that should help, but I'm still rather tired tonight. Need my Zzzz's though because tomorrow I have to start working on my next paper and a Power Point presentation (it's on the paper I did this week so I just have to set up the presentation)...so, I'll need some energy to get cracking again. I did take last night and today off from it though. Time to hit the books again.
I guess that's why he taught his followers--and that includes us--"give us this day (for today and just today) our daily bread"...just the grace we need and just when we need it!
Glad you made it through the day with His help. And, what a great time to connect with a good friend. All in all, it sounds like a good day.
Marvelous picture, too. Thanks.
shelley ... all rested up now ... drinking coffee and enjoying the country life once more! hope your power point presentation turns out to be a fun project!
tina ... yes, grace can't be hoarded! though it can be shared ... :)
fred ... our God is so good to give before we even know what we need! friends sure are a blessing, aren't they?
Morning Saija...how wonderful that we have friends along the way. Just the right person at the right moment in our lives. God is always near us...nothing is to hard for him...he can take us through fire or lead us beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul...how sweet to know Him and practise his presence. Hoping you have a beautiful day in Him.
maggie ann ... it's been a really quick week ... plus all of blogland seems quieter too, with the American Thanksgiving ... and now the wonderful Christmas season is going to start ... *smile* ... thank you for the sweet note ... i see that you had a good thanksgiving time - so glad to hear it! blessings to you!
And it also seems what we need comes usually at the last possible moment...and not a moment earlier either, doesn't it?
So glad you have such a friend...we all need those who have known us a long time and with whom we can just be ourselves and take up where we left off each time we see them! A blessing indeed!
Thanks for your thoughtful posts and sharing so much!
elizabeth ... i hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving! living in North America - we truly have an over abundance of everything and so many blessings! AND yes, i agree with you - the Lord sends us what we need exactly when we need it - even at the last possible moment! to walk by faith and not by sight - well that is always the challenge, isn't it!
Yes, we did have a nice celebration, thank you...and the grandchildren always make for entertainment as well, of course. Got several good pictures which makes us happy too, of course.
Blessings on ya, Elizabeth
Elizabeth ... isn't it amazing how quickly those little ones grow ... i'm looking at the batch of nephews, nieces, cousins kids, etc.... and some of them are grown up with kids of their own!! i ask myself, when did that happen? seems like just yesterday they little ones to be hugged and told stories too! awww, the passing of time ... i read in my devotions today, that when we close our eyes in death, we open them to heaven ... when time moves quickly, it brings us that much closer to being with Jesus!
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