this is a man made beach in Japan (or so the e-mail stated) ... i think i would love to see one of these in the prairies ... uh, how about Winnipeg? ... *smile* ... i think the roof is one that can be closed to keep the snow out in the winter and mosquitoes out in the summer ...
the odd thing about this picture is - there is a beautiful natural beach in the background ... wonder what the story is there?
just some Sunday night musings ...
isn't that neat! leave it to the Japanese to make something like that eh! Yeah we could use one of those here!
I remember seeing a picture of a Japanese golf range. Due to a shortage of space, they built a three story structure so they could fit in three times the golfers. I guess when there's a shortage of land, you have to be original!
mrsd ... wouldn't that be a wonderful addition to the city? with a covered top and all! glass walls so we could admire the snow gathering outside ... i'm loving the thought!!!
fred ... i think i saw that golf course too ... but i just wondered what was wrong with the beach in the horizon of the pic? of course the man made beach covers all variables - but the real thing sure looks nice too!
Hey babe! What an awesome picture and such a strange place to put that wonder. It would be lovely in the desert! Well, at least there are no sharks. I hate sharks. Or jellyfish!
Well, having lived in Hawaii for several years when we were first married, the oriental mind works a bit differently than does ours. It is strange to see that with what appears a perfectly good beach in the background. Perhaps the artificial one is a more private one? Like you have to filthy rich to afford to use it and thus keeps out the riff raff?? Heehee...just a guess! They do build some interesting things over there however.
MC ... hey back! and the desert would be an awesome place for one of these ... Phoenix has a wet 'n wild surfing type place - but it doesn't quite compare to this humongous property!
Elizabeth ... you lived in Hawaii? how neat is that! we have never been there ... though we have taken winter vacations to Arizona and visited Texas too, leo and i have never had an island vacation ... i would love to do that THIS winter ... but? what to do with our big ole family cat - who is so attached to us (like a faithful old dog) and is afraid of new people ... of course if there was a lovely "fake ocean" like this in the prairies - why we could just go there! *chuckling* ... blessings backatcha!
Reminds me of the fake island Royal Carribbean stops at for some of its cruises. They dumped a bunch of sand on a rock in the ocean, put an "airplane wreck" off the "coast" so you can scuba dive and gawk at it... set up a "village" where "natives" sell their "crafts" and call it Cococay or something like that. PFFF!
I broke my toe there on my honeymoon on a piece of coral they dragged in to make it look like a real beach. Feh. Hate that stupid fake cheap dumb island.
Oh but wait... this wasn't supposed to be about me! A fake beach like this one!! In Winnipeg! THAT would be GREAT!! :o)
We lived in Hawaii as that was where the Navy stationed him...it was a fun place when he was home, but I did not enjoy it much when he was gone and I was there alone. However we did have a fairly nice church to go to and I did thing with those people some when he was gone too.
Hubby's remark when I showed him this photo was that perhaps the fake beach was made because the real one is unusable due to red tide...which we understand means NO ONE uses the beach for anything, when that is there.
captainWOW ... *laughing* ... you funnee pregnant lady! your baby will probably come out giggling, glad to be in such a happy tummy!
elizabeth ... good thoughts from your hubby ... i was wondering what could be living in the waters or how the shore was, since they built this big ole fake beach - which i still think looks lovely! AND isn't it nice to have had the Hawaian experience? something out of the ordinary ...:o)
Oh yes, we are enriched by such experiences...like ours in Hawaii. However, not often have I been content with the limited amount of fellowship that occurs in the churches I have since attended. When you live in the midst of nearly total "NOT Christianity" (which Hawaii was even then), the fellowship is much more intense and sweet. It is how it needs to be the closer we are to the end of all things too...in fact, I think the internet has filled some of those longings for many....
I read once that we can learn just as much from our enemies as from our friends...and thinking back to the hard places in my life...have to agree, that those were places of learning, though certainly not places I want to revisit! And so it is with our experiences in life...learning in them all, one way or another....and even in the midst of Paradise even (which is how Hawaii is often referred to), it was difficult to be left alone for months at a time while hubby was gone to sea...and I have NEVER forgotten the emotions of that time.
elizabeth ... thank you for sharing that ... and i so agree that once i've learned a lesson during a difficult time, i don't want to go running back there either! even though it was a place of learning! i look forward to the day when we can shed this earthly skin and be seen as the Redeemed children of our Heavenly Father! blessings to you!
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