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I wanted to share this with you because it helped me to know God better.
This morning at church, a mother with 2 kids in tow (about 4 years old and under 2), climbed up to the balcony where I was sitting. I had purposely chosen that area to sit in. The service was long for the children, and the 2 year old started knocking on chairs, and jumping in that tight little space. Usually, I would have told the mother that we have really great child care, and that she would hear better and the kids would enjoy getting to play in our wonderful nursery area. (I know, because I work in it once a month). However,…. I had this “PERFECT” peace on me that kept me from saying anything. Believe me, I would’ve been on her like white on rice if that peace had lifted….
So…at the end of the service the pastor invites “all who will” to accept a personal relationship with Jesus, raise their hand and come down for prayer. I had closed my eyes, but when I opened them, this lady's hand was raised! She did not go down, however. I went over and asked if she’d raised her hand. She said “Yes…but she didn’t want to go down with her children.” I said I’d carry the little one, or go with her and help her. She asked her young son (about 4-5) did he want to go down? He nodded yes! So they went!!!!
The moral and grace revealed in this story is, “God kept my mouth shut”. I did not ruin the awesome work He was doing by talking! So… He who shut the mouth of the lions in Daniel’s den, is also shutting ours (sometimes)!
Great story - it can be so hard to keep our mouths shut at times and other times we can't seem to open it!
PS - I love how you close your blog at times with "blessings on ya!" Brings a smile to my face. Blessings back at you!
What a convicting story, God BIG very BIG indeed, He always knows best..
Very nice...just shows us to be still and listen to God more..Sandy
That is really neat, Saija. God was working in that situation for His glory. I love your picture too.
what a perfect story to remind us that if we just listen to God, he will let us know when to shut our mouths and when to open them... a great example of both in this story...
I'm glad your friend allowed you to share her E-Mail with us...
blessings on you both ...
You're tagged. http://www.rodneyolsen.net/2007/12/thankful.html
hey guys ... i lost my first posting here, where i "chatted" with you all! ... i just wanted to thank you for the comments - i usually read them twice - once in my yahoo mail (where they go as well) - then the second time over here ... blessings on ya, and thanks for encouraging me along the way!
Just wanted to say thank you for sharing this. Keeping my mouth shut has been a difficult lesson for me to learn. But God has been speaking to me about this very thing of late. Your "story" will be a great reminder for me.
oh..my....what a truly convicting story..I would have been so busy having an attitude...thank you for sharing that...and this ladies salvation....and your sensitivity to the sitaution....this is too wonderful.
gina ... i'm glad that the Lord used the story in your life ... isn't that the way HE teaches us all? by sharing experiences ... blessings on ya ...
Deby ... this was the second story i heard on the same day about keeping ones one peace - maybe it was a hint for the day! :o)
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