joy is possible ... even IF we do listen to the daily news ... or have our expectations not met by loved ones ... or worse yet - believe the materialistic hype of the commercials bombarding the airwaves at every turn ...
joy is possible by spending time with Jesus ... He calms all stormy seas, and restores peace ... especially at this time of year, it is so crucial to stay close by His side ... giving him our cares and worries ... our anxieties ...
joy is possible ... may you experience Jesus at every turn ...
thank you for the beautiful post Saija..
We Can experience joy if we but keep Jesus by our side through all life's journey..
Blessing to you my friend!!
To me it seems like this year people are getting more and more materialistic!! i get so angry at this!! My hubby is almost turning into a scrooge because of it. i told him that it will just take the JOY out of Christmas for him. Have a wonderful day and keep that JOY in your heart...Sandy
Hope Leo is doing great today!!
What a beautiful picture! We can be joyful in spite of difficulties because we know what is awaiting us - thanks to the birth of that baby long ago!
Yes, (Joy) ... that's what's missing in today's Christmas hustle and bustle. Glad tidings to you, dear Saija
Being inactive when you are sick is so hard. I just got back to exercising yesterday!! Boy can i tell that I have been away since my knee did its thing!! (whatever that is). I can only imagine IF I could not exercise...I would be so upset and frustrated with myself. i feel badly for Leo. You love him and so does God so that is all that matters. Right? Sandy
you are so right we need to slow down to take time for Jesus...He is always with us & wants us to have His joy...
Amen, Saija. Jesus is the reason for the season. And the joy of the Lord is our strength. :o) Blessings to you and Leo ~
Hi Saija,
I've never enjoyed Christmas much, but this year there WILL be joy because I will have those closest to my hearth with me.
a timely reminder. thank you.
Dear Saija,
You are right - again.
Joy is looking at what we have, not what we want or lack.
I've never spent less money or made less cakes and steaks than this year, but I'm so looking forwards to Christmas, the inner core. The gospel, the hymns the gathering of our little family.
I wish joy to the world!
Yours Felisol
thank you for sharing with me about JOY being POSSIBLE!!! blessings on ya ... :o) i've been working, so haven't been on the computer as much ... ((hugs)) to you guys ...
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