as you can see, the season of snow is well upon us!! this is where i ride my bike in the warmer months ... but now it's just a place for a brisk walk, with the snow crunching underfoot ...
the snow is so clean at this time of year ... there are millions of diamond like flakes that glitter as the winter sun's cool rays touch the white banks ... quite lovely ...
Snowflakes are kisses from heaven. ~Author Unknown
The picture and your words are lovely. It is snowing here also - we have a winter storm warning tonight, so we'll see how things look tomorrow!
everything looks so beautiful and white... I miss the snow!!!
have a blessed week blog bud
I love how the snow has collected on the pine trees. For some reason, I also really love seeing trees that have lost their leaves, there's something so starkly beautiful about that to me. :)
Dear Saija,
what a beautiful scenery. I'm getting homesick by the sight.
By the coast it's gray and naked at this time of the year, only the odd day snow will be "laying".
In the fjord's end, where my Mom lives and we are going for Christmas, the landscape is more like yours.
Not so cold though. Temperature minus 30 Celsius barely occurs here.
Hope you are warm and comfortable indoors! Have a nice 3rd Sunday in Advent
From Felisol
it is lovely. especially from the inside of a warm house!
If snowflakes are kisses from heaven, we've been smooched into a coma here in Michigan!
Love your picture - as usual!
this is a beautful picture..I love the way the shadows of the trees look on the snow..can I ask..what kind of Camera...you have?
thanks for sharing..
mari ... so are you snowed in?
mimi ... i'll mail some to you, if you like? :o)
jj ... starkly is a good word to use before the beautiful - it has this untouchable quality to it as well ...
felisol ... it has been a lovely sunday - hope yours was too!
sara ... amen to that!
pat ... *laughing* ... hope the coma is short lived!
deby ... it's a canon powershot A530 - i love it!
Oh so lovely!! When we lived in the desert region of Wa. state, I SO looked forward to snow time!! It made even the ugly look beautiful for just a short while! I am not sure we will get any snow this year as it has not been many days since we were up to about 82 degrees..can you believe it?? Tonight will be 24 degrees though...more normal!! Enjoy the snow!!
I love to see those diamond like sparkles!
A couple of weekends ago, here on mid Vancouver Island, we had 60 cm. (2 ft.) of snow in about 30 hours ending on Sunday afternoon. On Monday the pineapple express roared in with temps. about 13 degrees and by Tuesday the snow was all but gone before the chill came back! It was just a taste of winter and beautiful beyond description, a blessing. I love the silence when the snow is falling and everything is getting heavily covered. No cars on the road, people stay home because they are afraid to drive in the slick wet stuff that we get out here. It's kind of like a forced but pleasant 'Time Out'. Enjoy your long lasting snowy days, I sure did when we lived in Manitoba when I was a child but I don't miss shoveling the stuff now so I'm thankful for winter in short little bursts. Blessing Jackie
P.S. You have a lovely talent for photography
That was a beautiful picture of snow and the signs of Christmas coming on.....Merry Christmas!
that snow is lovely - but it sure can create the most interesting driving conditions! i'm hoping that it remains dry for everyone's travel plans!
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