Despite our efforts to keep him out, God intrudes. The life of Jesus is bracketed by two impossibilities: "a virgin's womb and an empty tomb". Jesus entered our world through a door marked,"No Entrance" and left through a door marked "No Exit."
--Peter Larson
this is such a beautiful thought... thank you so much for sharing this.. I want to remember it...
Great quote...a keeper..love the picture as well.
mimi ... i want to remember this too ... it spoke to me about the Lord doing the impossible!
Deby ... both found on the web ... i love searching for positive things like these!
That IS a great quote, Saija and lovely picture. Thanks for that beautiful post.
Dear Saija,
I love that quote. It is so real.
I'm sorry I haven't been on here in ages,I haven't had time!! :(
Between takeing care of the little ones while my parents are at the hospital for my dad's dr appiontments, and guitar lessons and practice, snow clearing, (yes we got 31 cm of snow, and had to clear it) and now watering the ice skating rink in our back yard. I am just about pooped! I haven't even writen my friend/ pen-pal since her birthday at the begining of november!
I think of you often and pray for you everyday. How is your kitty doing?
Sorry this is long, enjoy the snow and I hope to be on here again soon.
Love ya!
Little Montreal Girl
cathy ... the quote made me think, and the pic i found on the net seemed to go well with it ... :o)
lil mntrl grl ... i did get a prayer request about your dad - and i hope that this will somehow bring glory to the Lord - tho' it is hard on you all ... ((hugs)) ... as for the kitty - well that will have to be another post ... we actually ended up being "foster parents" - the kitty is now at a different home, with another cat and he is able to go outside (he couldn't at our place) ... we miss him tho' ...
So good Saija!
I was just telling Grampa Yade yesterday that people will never be able to say that they never heard the gospel.
Even though they have never gone to church, twice a year at least they hear the good word at Christmas and Easter!!..love Terry
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