Wednesday, January 12, 2005

"Destined for Glory", the meaning of suffering

a comment on the visit to doctor post, got me thinking about where i am now in my understanding of the PAIN issue, and how did i get here?

reading is one of the top answers . . .

when we learned that Leo would have to deal with the pain, because there is no cure for
arachnoiditis, i picked up book after book on pain and suffering . . . i would read, then share with Leo (this is pre internet days, when you really had to search out stuff!) . . . not only did we seek out physical help (T.E.N.S., bio feedback, etc.), we also needed to learn how to walk spiritually in this new lifestyle ...

"Destined for Glory, The Meaning of Suffering" by Margaret Clarkson stands out in my memory as a turning point book . . . she herself was a lifetime chronic pain sufferer ... sample this quote from page 19:

"We do not know God's reason for doing what He did, and we may not demand of a sovereign Creator that He explain Himself to His creatures. "How small a god that fits in the mind of a man!" an unknown writer has aptly commented. God had good and sufficient reasons for His action; we trust His sovereign wisdom and love."

just sharing thoughts on this life of ours . . .


Jammie J. said...

Ours is a wonderful God. He helps us find our hope and faith amidst the pain. Sometimes, it's hard to find. And, sometimes it flits out at us in the form of a letter penned long ago.

Hugs to you this day.

Saija said...

amen ...
i think we can truly appreciate the rainbow more, but only after the rain . . . :o)