my mother is a talented weaver . . . the tapestry pictured above hangs on our dining room wall . . . mom made it 35 years ago ...
it takes a great deal of time, much planning and an ability to follow a complicated pattern to get the tapestry to look right . . . so many little details go into the colourful, completed work . . . the right yarns, equipment, even the fancy footwork on the loom's wooden pedals . . . the weaver's needle shuttles in and out after each yarn is individually tied into the proper place . . . the end result is pleasing to the eye ...
i often view our lives here on earth like a tapestry . . . if we trust in the Lord, and let Him guide our path, the end result will be pleasing to His eye ...
at times we may falter because we are viewing this life through a glass darkly . . . only seeing the back side of the tapestry, full of dark thread, knotted bits of yarn . . . the colours muted ... sometimes with no rhyme or reason to the pattern ...
faith tells me that our life in Jesus, is a life well spent . . . a life that flows with the correct colour scheme ... the beauty of which we may not see until the finished product is displayed . . . a life that at the end of this pilgrimage, will be a beautiful handiwork . . . a tapestry of praise to the Maker.
Beautiful weaving and beautiful words.
I hope it is warming up a little today.
We seem to be in our January thaw with a balmy 40 degrees F.
Take Care
Thanks for the reminder - I needed that.
Lately I've felt paranoid and manipulated. I forgot about the tapestry. Perspective is so very important.
Hi Saija,
Thanks for missing me! I love your post - it is soooo true! I have been too busy to blog, but you have motivated me to post something today.
Happy New Year!
thank you ... but you need to quit bragging on your lovely 40 temps!!! it is vedy vedy chilly here ...
-30C at the moment ... however, with the woodstove, it is 78F in the house . . .:o) awwwww . .. woodheat . .
i too need reminding, ALOT . . . with Leo's chronic pain and distorted world view because of it, i need to be the cheerleader, but the cheering can sometimes lag . . . so i look at the tapestry mom has made me (i have 3 of them - 2 large ones, one small one) and tell myself that if i remain faithful, my life WILL be a sweet perfume to my Lord . . . to not grow weary in this race . . .
i'm glad you'll be posting again . . . :o) . . . i'll have to come visit, see what you have been up too!
* * * * *
Hope you all have a super day! thanx for cheering me on with your comments - i feel connected to the family of God when you drop by and leave a comment ... and i sure hope it's warmer in your areas!!!
Hey Linda . . . thanx for popping by . . . :o) . . . sorry to report that our weather hasn't improved at all . . . our high for the day was a whopping -30C ... boo hoo . . . i guess i was meant to stay indoors and BE STILL ... it was a good day that way ... the Lord always knows what my heart needs . . . blessings on your evening! saija
What a special momento you have from someone special. Tapestries are wonderful. Isn't it interesting that everything in life (a lovely song, a picture we color, a painting, a tapestry, a quilt, cleaning our home, even a blog post) are pieces that are put together for the final product. Everything is an object lesson for our spiritual life, yet we often fail to apply it.
Hi Jeanette!
yes, i agree . . . absolutely everything in our lives is connected and serves a purpose . . . sometimes we get it, sometimes we don't ... i'm kinda dumb and only see it way after the fact - if i'm lucky!! but i've often thought of mom's tapestries - the hours and hours of work and how we can never see the actual completed tapestry (because it is wound around this large log, in the old fashioned weaving loom) until it is FINISHED ... like our lives, eh!
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