how do you like our Christmas card tree?
the picture i’ve posted is from Christmas 2002 . . .
the card/light tree is our holiday tradition . . . we started it in Arizona . . . during a Christmas spent so far away from family and friends . . . it was Leo’s idea to tape the cards we received inside a string of lights, shaped like a Christmas tree . . .
voila! our tradition was born . . .
of course the tree isn’t complete until after Christmas, when all the cards we receive are in it . . . but it is a great way to remember family and friends, pray for them, reminisce with a story or two . . . the tree is SO SPECIAL to me and something i look forward to working on . . .
because of the weather and "stuff to do" at home, i haven’t been to the post office in 3 days!!!! to get there, i have to drive 2 miles on gravel roads, 1 mile on a slippery highway, then over a narrow bridge spanning fast moving water and finally - another 4 miles through cottage country . . . then and only then, can i put my key into our post office box and anxiously peak in to see if anyone has remembered me . . . anxiety . . . :o) . . . and no wonder the Christmas cards are special - they are work to get!!!
must dash, just wanted to share our card tree with you . . .
That is so cool.
Thanks for sharing.
Take Care
What a pretty idea! So festive and cheerful and I'll bet there are no pine tree needles to clean up afterward, either....smile... Thanks for your comment at my blog yesterday--we really do have a lot in common! :o) God bless... Debra
Hey Michael & Debra: i mentioned the card tree in notes on both your blogs, which is why i posted the picture . . . so you could see . . . :o) . . . i put some cards on it today for the first time and that made me happy . . . doesn't take much to make me happy, or so Leo always tells me - i guess it's true, little things in life make me smile and my cup overflows . . .
blessings on your day! saija
That is so awesome. Which, of course, explains why you can't post a picture of this years until AFTER Christmas. :)
You know, I try to have diversity of topics on my blog. LOL. Something for everybody.
Saija, that is a GREAT tradition. What a wonderful way to build up to wonderful day. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Saija, that is a GREAT tradition. What a wonderful way to build up to wonderful day. Thank you for sharing it with us.
glad you liked the tree ladies . . .
it is so much fun to do !!!!
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